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Towards solving Reversi.


Implements missing parts of the standard library in nvcc: countl_zero(uint64) -> int countl_one(uint64) -> int countr_zero(uint64) -> int countr_one(uint64) -> int popcount(uint64) -> int to_underlying(value) -> auto

Extends intrinsics with: not_si256(__m256i) -> __m256i neg_epi64(__m256i) -> __m256i reduce_or(__m256i) -> uint64

Implements bit manipulations: GetLSB(uint64) -> uint64 ClearLSB(uint64&) BExtr(uint64, uint start, uint len) -> uint64 PDep(uint64, uint64 mask) -> uint64 PExt(uint64, uint64 mask) -> uint64 BSwap(uint64) -> uint64

Extends the standard library with algorithms: Sample(int size, pool, seed) -> auto join(separator, iterable, projection) -> auto

Implements string formaters: class Table: Table(string title, string format) PrintHeader() PrintSeparator() PrintRow(content)

HH_MM_SS(duration) -> string
ShortTimeString(duration) -> string	
MetricPrefix(int magnitude) -> string


Implements operations on bitboards: FlippedCodiagonal(uint64) -> uint64 FlippedDiagonal(uint64) -> uint64 FlippedHorizontal(uint64) -> uint64 FlippedVertical(uint64) -> uint64

IsCodiagonallySymmetric(uint64) -> bool
IsDiagonallySymmetric(uint64) -> bool
IsHorizontallySymmetric(uint64) -> bool
IsVerticallySymmetric(uint64) -> bool

ParityQuadrants(uint64) -> uint64
EightNeighboursAndSelf(uint64) -> uint64

MultiLine(uint64) -> string

Classes to represent a reversi position and the fields of the board

class Position:
	Position(uint64 player, uint64 opponent)
	FromString(string) -> pos
	Start() -> Position
	Player() -> uint64
	Opponent() -> uint64
	Discs() -> uint64
	Empties() -> uint64
	EmptyCount() -> int
enum Field:
	H8 ... A1, PS

with string serializers and deserializers

SingleLine(pos) -> string
MultiLine(pos) -> string
to_string(pos) -> string

to_string(Field) -> string
FieldFromString(string) -> Field

Functions to get possible moves

class Moves:
	empty() -> bool
	contains(Field) -> bool
	size() -> std::size_t
	front() -> Field
	begin() -> iterator
	end() -> iterator

PossibleMoves(pos) -> Moves

Functions to play them

Play(pos, move) -> pos
PlayPass(pos) -> pos
PlayOrPass(pos, move) -> pos
Play(pos, move, flips) -> pos
Flips(pos, move) -> uint64

Functions to analyse stable stones

StableEdges(pos) -> uint64
StableStonesOpponent(pos) -> uint64

Functions to count how many stones the last move of a game flips

CountLastFlip(pos, open_field) -> int

Functions to generate children of positions

Children(pos, int plies, bool pass_is_a_ply) -> generator
Children(pos, int empty_count) -> generator
UniqueChildren(pos, int empty_count) -> set

Various other functions to work with the classes

FlippedCodiagonal(pos) -> pos
FlippedDiagonal(pos) -> pos
FlippedHorizontal(pos) -> pos
FlippedVertical(pos) -> pos
FlippedToUnique(pos) -> pos
operator""_pos(string) -> pos
Bit(Field) -> uint64

and random position generators

class RandomPositionGenerator:
	operator() -> pos
RandomPosition(seed) -> pos
RandomPositionWithEmptyCount(int empty_count, seed) -> pos


Implements classes to represent scores and confidence levels

class Score = int
	FromString(string) -> Score
class ConfidenceLevel = float
	IsInfinit() -> bool

with string serializers and deserializers

to_string(Score) -> string
to_string(int depth, confidence_level) -> string
DepthClFromString(string) -> tuple<Score, float>

and some constants

Score min_score
Score max_score
Score inf_score
Score undefined_score
ConfidenceLevel inf

as well as a funtion to evaluate the score of a terminal position and a stability based max score

EndScore(pos) -> Score
StabilityBasedMaxScore(pos) -> Score

Implements intervals: class OpenInterval: int lower int upper

class ClosedInterval:
	int lower
	int upper

Implements classes to represent scored positions, scored and unscored games

class ScoredPosition:
	Score scores
	FromString(string) -> ScoredPosition

class Game:
	Game(start_pos, moves)
	FromString(string) -> Game
	StartPosition() -> pos
	Moves() -> vector
	Positions() -> positions
class ScoredGame:
	Game game
	vector scores
	FromString(string) -> ScoredGame

and functions to stringify them

to_string(ScoredPosition) -> string
to_string(Game) -> string
to_string(ScoredGame) -> string

Implements an abstract player and a random player

Interface Player:
	ChooseMove(pos) -> move
class RandomPlayer:
	ChooseMove(pos) -> move

PlayedGame(first_player, second_player, start_pos) -> Game
PlayedGamesFrom(first_player, second_player, start_positions) -> vector

Implements transformations

Positions(scored_positions) -> vector
Positions(games) -> vector
Positions(scored_games) -> vector
Scores(scored_positions) -> vector
Scores(scored_games) -> vector
ScoredPositions(scored_games) -> vector
ScoredPositions(positions, scores) -> vector

and filters

EmptyCountFiltered(positions, int min_empty_count, int max_empty_count) -> vector
EmptyCountFiltered(positions, int empty_count) -> vector
EmptyCountFiltered(scored_positions, int min_empty_count, int max_empty_count) -> vector
EmptyCountFiltered(scored_positions, int empty_count) -> vector


Provides an interface for Estimators, which estimate the score of a position and its accuracy.

Interface Estimator:
	Score(pos) -> float
	Accuracy(int empty_count, int small_depth, int big_depth) -> float

Implements classes to track the status of a search and the result of a search

class Status
	Status(int alpha)
	Update(result, move)
	GetResult() -> result
class Result:
	FailLow(score, depth, confidence_level, best_move) -> Result
	Exact(score, depth, confidence_level, best_move) -> Result
	FailHigh(score, depth, confidence_level, best_move) -> Result
	EndScore(pos) -> Result
	operator-() -> Result
	IsFailLow() -> bool
	IsExact() -> bool
	IsFailHigh() -> bool
	Window() -> ClosedInterval
	BetaCut(move) -> Result
to_string(result) -> string

A class that provides sorted possible moves

class MoveSorter:
	MoveSorter(transposition_table, search_algorithm)

Search algorithms

class Algorithm:
	virtual Eval(int guess, pos, window, depth, confidence_level) -> Result
	virtual Eval(pos, window, depth, confidence_level) -> Result
	        Eval(pos, depth, confidence_level) -> Result
			Eval(pos, depth) -> Result
			Eval(pos) -> Result
	virtual Nodes() -> uint64
	virtual Clear()
class NegaMax:
	Eval_N(pos) -> int
	Eval_3(pos, move, move, move) -> int
	Eval_2(pos, move, move) -> int
	Eval_1(pos, move) -> int
	Eval_0(pos) -> int
class AlphaBeta:
	Eval_N(pos, window) -> int
	Eval_N(pos, window) -> int
	Eval_3(pos, window, move, move, move) -> int
	Eval_2(pos, window, move, move) -> int
class PVS:
	PVS(transposition_table, estimator) -> result
class MTD:
class IDAB:

A class which solves positions

class Solver
	Solver(Algorithm&, bool silent, int threads)
	Solve(positions, window, depth, confidence_level) -> scores
	Solve(positions) -> scores
	Solve(scored_positions, window, depth, confidence_level) -> scores
	Solve(scored_positions) -> scores


Defines a class to represent a mathematical vector of floats

using Vector = vector<float>

and implements function on it

+ - * /
elementwise_multiplication(vector, vector) -> vector
elementwise_division(vector, vector) -> vector
inv(vector) -> vector
dot(vector, vector) -> float
norm(vector) -> float
L1_norm(vector) -> float
L2_norm(vector) -> float
sum(vector) -> float

to_string(vector) -> string

Implements a class to represent a dense matrix

class Matrix:
	Matrix(rows, cols)
	Id(size) -> matrix
	Rows() -> size
	Cols() -> size
	Row(index) -> span
	(row, col) -> float

with functions on it

+ - * /
transposed(matrix) -> matrix

to_string(matrix) -> string

Implements a class to represent a CSR (=compressed sparse row) matrix. With fixed number of non-zero elements per row. With only 1 as element but the matrix can have multiple entries per element.

class MatrixCSR
	MatrixCSR(elements_per_row, rows, cols)
	Rows() -> size
	Cols() -> size
	Row(index) -> span

With functions on it

transposed(matrix) -> matrix
JacobiPreconditionerOfATA(matrix) -> vector

Implements statistics functions with optional projections

Average(range) -> float
Variance(rangen) -> float
StandardDeviation(range) -> float
Covariance(range, range) -> float
Covariance(matrix) -> matrix
PopulationCovariance(range, range) -> float
SampleCovariance(range, range) -> float
Correlation(matrix) -> matrix
AIC(range, num_parameters) -> float
BIC(range, num_parameters) -> float

Provides an interface for iterative solvers and preconditioners

Interface IterativeSolver:
	Residuum() -> float
	Error() -> vector
	X() -> vector

Interface Preconditioner:
	apply(vector) -> vector
	revert(vector) -> vector

and implements classes for various iterative solvers

class CG: (Conjugate Gradient method)
	CG(matrix, initial_vector, vector b)

class PCG: (PreconditionedConjugate Gradient method)
	PCG(matrix, preconditioner, initial_vector, vector b)
class LSQR: (Least Squares QR Method)
	LSQR(matrix, initial_vector, vector b)
class LSMR: (Least Squares Minres Method)
	LSMR(matrix, initial_vector, vector b)

and preconditioners

class DiagonalPreconditioner:

and helper functions

decompose(vector) -> unit_vector, lenght
signum(value) -> float
GivensRotation(a, b) -> float, float, float


The dependencies of the components looks like this Search -> Game -> Board -> Base ^ | IO | v Math Pattern