This is a simple application that asks the user what team members are part of their team, and then takes their response and creates an HTML file with a compiled view of this team. I created it to experiment with node.js, modularization, classes, and constructor methods. To create it, I essentially created classes for the different types of employees that could be entered into the team, then created an inquire process that asks the user for details about the employee members on their team. After, the user's input data is compiled and rendered to an HTML file using a combination of modularized HTML templates for the different types of employees.
To install this project, you will need to install the npm inquirer package.
To use the application, use node to open the index.js file in your terminal. You'll be prompted with a series of questions and this will guide you to the point of receiving the HTML file.
This application is covered under a MIT License.
Feel free to offer suggestions. I'm sure there are many improvements I can make to it.
No tests currently, but feel free to test it out.
Got questions? Feel free to contact me.
Github username: domjparker
Email address: [email protected]
© 2020, Dominic Parker. All Rights Reserved.