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Name Former Education Current Location Link"Agrawal, Smita" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2007" Genentech "Ashton, Prof. Randolph" "Ph.D. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2007" Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison http://www.engr.wisc.edu/bme/faculty/ashton_randolph.html"Asuri, Prashanth" "Ph.D. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2007" Santa Clara University http://www.scu.edu/engineering/bioengineering/Asuri.cfm"Bergen, Jamie" "Univ. of Washington, 2008" Freelance "Bowman, Angela" "Ph.D., Stanford University" Executive Director of the Washington University (St. Louis) "Bugaj, Lukasz" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2014" UCSF "Burnett, John" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2008" City of Hope http://www.cityofhope.org/people/burnett-john"Chen, SiSi" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2013" #SiSi_Chen"Conway, Anthony" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2013" Sangamo Biosciences "Dalkara, Deniz" Ph.D. University of Strasbourg Institut de la Vision Paris http://www.institut-vision.org/index.php?option=com_content&id=326:equipe-de-deniz-dalkara&Itemid=15&lang=en"Dey, Siddharth" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2012" "Hubrecht Institute, Netherlands" "Eshghi, Shawdee" "Ph.D. MIT, 2007" Silver Creek Pharmaceuticals "Foley, Jonathan" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2013" "Data Scientist | Gild, Inc." "Fritz, Ashley" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2012" "Gip, Phung" "Ph.D. UC berkeley, 2010" Stanford School of Medicine http://postdocs.stanford.edu/profiles/postdocs/researcher/Phung_Gip"Hwang, Bum-Yeol" "PhD Seol National University, 2003" 4D Molecular Therapeutics "Ignowski, Jolene" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2005" Bayer Pharmaceuticals "Jang, Prof. Jae-Hyung" "Ph.D. Northwestern Univ,2005" Yonsei Univ."Keung, Albert" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2012" Boston University "Klimczak, Ryan" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2010" UC Berkeley "Koerber, James T." "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2008" Scientist at Genentech "Kotterman, Melissa" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2013" 4D Molecular Therapeutics "Kwon, Prof. Inchan" "Ph.D.CalTech, 2006" "Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea" "Lai, Karen" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2003" Knobbe Martens Olsen & Bear "Lee, Gary" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2004" Sangamo Biosciences "Lei, Prof. Yuguo" "Ph.D. UCLA, 2010" University of Nebraska "Leonard, Prof. Josh" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2006" Northwestern Univ. "Lim, Prof. Kwang-il" "Ph.D. Univ. of Wisconsin, 2005" "Department of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul, South Korea" "Little,Lauren" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2010" Hoffman La Roche "Maheshri, Prof. Narendra" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2004" Scientist at Ginkgo http://web.mit.edu/~narendra/www/people.html"Miller-Jensen, Prof. Kathryn" "Ph.D. MIT, 2006" Yale Univ. http://www.seas.yale.edu/faculty-detail.php?id=138"Na, Yun-Suk" "MS UC Berkeley, 2014" "O'Neill, Analeah" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2005" O'Neill Educational Consulting "Pangarkar, Chinmay" "Ph.D. UC Santa Barbara, 2007" "Theranos, Inc." http://www.mendeley.com/profiles/chinmay-pangarkar/"Peltier, Joseph" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2010" Biomarin "Quock, Laura" "M.S. UC Berkeley, 2011" Genentech "Rammensee, Sebastian" Ph.D. Technical University of Munich "research engineer, optical imaging equipment development company, United Kingdom." "Robertson, Matthew" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2007" Univ. of Minnesota "Saha, Krishanu" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2007" MIT/Whitehead Inst. http://www.krishanusaha.com/Krishanu_Saha/Welcome.html"Sanghvi, Jayodita" "Ph.D. Stanford, 2013" "Data Scientist, Grand Rounds" #Jayodita_Sanghvi"Shah, Priya" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2011" UC San Francisco http://www.engr.uvic.ca/~willerth/SMWLab/WebContent/people.shtml"Stone, Daniel" "Ph.D. Univ of Manchester,2002" "Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle" "Varedi, Marjan" "Ph.D. Univ. of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2011" Advent Engineering Services "Weinberger, Prof. Leor" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2003" UCSF http://weinbergerlab.ucsd.edu/"Weinstein, John" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2013" UC San Francisco "Willerth, Prof. Stephanie" "Ph.D. Washington Univ., 2008" Univ. of Victoria "Yousef, Hanadie" "PhD UC Berkeley, 2014" Stanford "Yu, Julie" "Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2006" SF Exploratorium Museum "Yue, Prof. FengMing" "Ph.D. Shinshu Univ, 2006" Shinshu Univ. Medical School