Created an AI that can play Minesweeper, a classic puzzle game. The game consists of a grid of cells, some containing hidden mines. The AI must use logical deduction to flag all mines without detonating any.
- Game Basics: Minesweeper is played on a grid with hidden mines. Safe cells show the count of neighboring mines.
- Objective: Flag all mines. The AI will use knowledge-based decision-making to solve the puzzle.
- AI Knowledge Representation: Each cell is a propositional variable: true if it contains a mine, false otherwise. The AI learns from revealed safe cells.
AI's knowledge is represented as sentences with a set of cells and a count of how many of those cells are mines. Example: {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H} = 1
: Manages the game's graphical
: Contains game logic and AI decision-making algorithms.
- Minesweeper Class: Manages gameplay.
- Sentence Class: Represents logical sentences about game state.
- MinesweeperAI Class: Handles AI operations, including tracking moves and updating knowledge.