*Note they may not work perfectly, still in testing, please report bugs :hear:
/bot : Moderator Commands
├── set : Set commands
│ ├── role : Set a role for access to restricted bot commands.
│ │ Arguments:
│ │ └── role : The role to set (Type: role)
│ ├── game_join_msg : Posts a message for players to join by reacting with a 🎃.
│ │ Arguments:
│ │ └── channel : Channel where the invite message will be posted (Type: channel)
│ ├── channel : Set the channel for either event or admin messages to be posted.
│ │ Arguments:
│ │ ├── channel_type : The type of channel to set (event or admin) (Type: string)
│ │ └── channel : The channel where the message type will be posted (Type: channel)
│ ├── player_stat : Set Player stat
│ │ Arguments:
│ │ ├── user : The player you want to modify (Type: user)
│ │ ├── stat : The stat you want to change (e.g., candy_count) (Type: string)
│ │ └── number : The value you want to set for the stat (Type: integer)
│ └── settings : Update the bot's settings.
├── get : get commands
│ ├── roles : Get all saved roles permitted to use restricted commands.
│ ├── join_game_msg : Gets the link to the message where you can join the game.
│ ├── channel : Get the channel where event or admin messages will be posted.
│ │ Arguments:
│ │ └── channel_type : The type of channel to get (event, admin, or both) (Type: string)
│ └── player : View a player's stats.
│ Arguments:
│ ├── user : The user whose stats you want to view (Type: user)
│ └── get : The details you want to view (stats, hidden values, or both) (Type: string)
├── remove : Remove commands
│ ├── join_game_msg : I cant remove messages :P
│ │ Arguments:
│ │ └── channel : The channel where the invite message will be ignored. (Type: channel)
│ ├── role : Remove a role from the games restricted commands
│ │ Arguments:
│ │ └── role : The role to be removed (Type: role)
│ └── channel : Remove the event or admin channel setting.
│ Arguments:
│ └── channel_type : The Channel Type to stop posting messages to. (Type: string)
├── update : Update commands
│ ├── join_game_msg : Update where react to join message will be posted.
│ │ Arguments:
│ │ └── channel : Channel where the invite message will be posted (Type: channel)
│ └── channel : Update the channel where event or admin messages will be posted.
│ Arguments:
│ ├── channel_type : The type of channel to update (event or admin) (Type: string)
│ └── channel : The channel to update the event or admin channel bot messages to. (Type: channel)
└── reset : Reset commands
└── player : Factory Reset a player
└── user : The player to be reset (Type: user)
/game : Game options and commands
└── set : Set commands
├── settings : Update the game settings.
└── state : Enable or disable the game.
└── state : Enable or disable the game. (Type: string)
/buy : Buy items from the shop
└── potion : Buy Potion for a chance to win a prize from the cauldron!
/join : Join the game!
/trick : Trick a player into giving you candy!
└── member : The player to trick (Type: user)
/treat : Treat a player with some candy!
├── member : The player to treat with candy (Type: user)
└── amount : The amount of candy to give (Type: integer)
/whois : Learn about the Characters in the game!
└── character : Learn about Luna or Raven (Type: string)
/bucket : See how much candy you have!
These are player specific commands
Use by clicking on a server member -> select apps -> and these commands will show
- Treat Player :
- Join Game :
- Trick Player :
- Check Bucket :