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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
.NET Shiproom label indicating a PR is ambiguous
.NET Shiproom label indicating a PR is rejected from the given branch
MAS violation, UIA issue; problems with accessibility standards
Incompatibility with previous versions or with WinForms for .NET Framework
Compatibility with OS features
Suggested translations of resources; notification requiring translations; internationalization
Improve performance, flag performance regressions across core releases
Problem in test source code (most likely)
Improvements of test source code
An issue is caused by an external system and won't be fixed in this repo
The team needs to look at this issue in the next triage
The team requires more information from the author
The PR is awaiting manual testing by the primary team; no action is yet required from the author(s)
This work item needs to be discussed with team or is waiting on team action in order to proceed
This item is waiting on review by one or more members of team
You can’t perform that action at this time.