diff --git a/src/read/general.rs b/src/read/general.rs
index 3d23ecc..8247243 100644
--- a/src/read/general.rs
+++ b/src/read/general.rs
@@ -12,8 +12,13 @@ use flate2::read::GzDecoder;
 #[cfg(feature = "compression")]
 use std::fs;
+/// Standard return type for reading a file.
+pub type ReadResult = std::result::Result<(PDB, Vec<PDBError>), Vec<PDBError>>;
 /// Open an atomic data file, either PDB or mmCIF/PDBx. The correct type will be
-/// determined based on the file extension.
+/// determined based on the file extension. This function is equivalent to
+/// [`ReadOptions::read()`] with default options, apart from the `level` which
+/// can be set by the `level` parameter.
 /// # Errors
 /// Returns a `PDBError` if a `BreakingError` is found. Otherwise it returns the PDB with all errors/warnings found while parsing it.
@@ -21,14 +26,19 @@ use std::fs;
 /// # Related
 /// If you want to open a file from memory see [`open_raw`]. There are also function to open a specified file type directly
 /// see [`crate::open_pdb`] and [`crate::open_mmcif`] respectively.
-pub fn open(
+pub fn open(filename: impl AsRef<str>, level: StrictnessLevel) -> ReadResult {
+    open_with_options(filename, &ReadOptions::new().set_level(level))
+/// Opens a files based on the given options.
+pub(in crate::read) fn open_with_options(
     filename: impl AsRef<str>,
-    level: StrictnessLevel,
-) -> Result<(PDB, Vec<PDBError>), Vec<PDBError>> {
+    options: &ReadOptions,
+) -> ReadResult {
     if check_extension(&filename, "pdb") {
-        open_pdb(filename, level)
+        open_pdb(filename, options.level)
     } else if check_extension(&filename, "cif") {
-        open_mmcif(filename, level)
+        open_mmcif(filename, options.level)
     } else {
@@ -46,13 +56,11 @@ pub fn open(
 /// Returns a `PDBError` if a `BreakingError` is found. Otherwise it returns the PDB with all errors/warnings found while parsing it.
 /// # Related
-/// If you want to open a file from memory see [`open_raw`]. There are also function to open a specified file type directly
-/// see [`crate::open_pdb`] and [`crate::open_mmcif`] respectively.
+/// If you want to open a file from memory see [`open_raw`], [`crate::open_pdb_raw`] and [`crate::open_mmcif_bufread`].
+/// These functions are useful if you are using a non-standard compression algorithm or way of
+/// storing the data.
 #[cfg(feature = "compression")]
-pub fn open_gz(
-    filename: impl AsRef<str>,
-    level: StrictnessLevel,
-) -> Result<(PDB, Vec<PDBError>), Vec<PDBError>> {
+pub fn open_gz(filename: impl AsRef<str>, level: StrictnessLevel) -> ReadResult {
     let filename = filename.as_ref();
     if check_extension(filename, "gz") {
@@ -106,7 +114,7 @@ pub fn open_gz(
 pub fn open_raw<T: std::io::Read + std::io::Seek>(
     mut input: std::io::BufReader<T>,
     level: StrictnessLevel,
-) -> Result<(PDB, Vec<PDBError>), Vec<PDBError>> {
+) -> ReadResult {
     let mut first_line = String::new();
     if input.read_line(&mut first_line).is_err() {
         return Err(vec![PDBError::new(
diff --git a/src/read/mmcif/parser.rs b/src/read/mmcif/parser.rs
index 65997c0..92a91e6 100644
--- a/src/read/mmcif/parser.rs
+++ b/src/read/mmcif/parser.rs
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ pub fn open_mmcif(
 /// Open's mmCIF file from a BufRead. This allows opening mmCIF files directly from memory.
 /// This is particularly useful if you want to open a compressed file, as you can use the BufReader
-pub(crate) fn open_mmcif_bufread(
+pub fn open_mmcif_bufread(
     mut bufreader: impl BufRead,
     level: StrictnessLevel,
 ) -> Result<(PDB, Vec<PDBError>), Vec<PDBError>> {
diff --git a/src/read/mod.rs b/src/read/mod.rs
index 821dd2e..2338c8e 100644
--- a/src/read/mod.rs
+++ b/src/read/mod.rs
@@ -2,10 +2,14 @@
 mod general;
 /// Parse mmCIF/PDBx files
 mod mmcif;
+/// Read options
+mod read_options;
 /// Parse PDB files
 mod pdb;
 use super::check_extension;
 pub use general::{open, open_gz, open_raw};
-pub use mmcif::{open_mmcif, open_mmcif_raw};
+pub use mmcif::{open_mmcif, open_mmcif_bufread, open_mmcif_raw};
 pub use pdb::{open_pdb, open_pdb_raw};
+pub use read_options::{Format, ReadOptions};
diff --git a/src/read/read_options.rs b/src/read/read_options.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0759604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/read/read_options.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+use crate::StrictnessLevel;
+use super::general::{open_with_options, ReadResult};
+/// Used to set which format to read the file in.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)]
+pub enum Format {
+    /// Load PDB files
+    Pdb,
+    /// Load mmCIF files
+    Mmcif,
+    /// Automatically detect the format
+    #[default]
+    Auto,
+impl From<&str> for Format {
+    fn from(s: &str) -> Self {
+        match s {
+            "pdb" => Self::Pdb,
+            "mmcif" => Self::Mmcif,
+            _ => panic!("Unknown format: {}", s),
+        }
+    }
+/// Options and flags which can be used to configure how a structure file is
+/// opened.
+/// This builder exposes the ability to configure how a [`PDB`] is loaded.
+/// Generally speaking, when using `ReadOptions`, you'll first call
+/// [`ReadOptions::new`], then chain calls to methods to set each option, then
+/// call [`ReadOptions::read`].
+/// # Examples
+/// Opening a file to read:
+/// ```no_run
+/// use pdbtbx::*;
+/// let pdb = ReadOptions::new()
+///     .set_format(Format::Auto)
+///     .set_level(StrictnessLevel::Loose)
+///     .set_discard_hydrogens(true)
+///     .read("1CRN.pdb");
+/// ```
+#[derive(Debug, Default)]
+pub struct ReadOptions {
+    /// The format to read the file in.
+    pub(crate) format: Format,
+    /// The strictness level to use when reading the file.
+    pub(crate) level: StrictnessLevel,
+    /// Controls whether to capitalise the chains in the structure.
+    pub(crate) capitalise_chains: bool,
+    /// Decompress
+    #[cfg(feature = "compression")]
+    pub(crate) decompress: bool,
+    /// Discard hydrogens
+    pub(crate) discard_hydrogens: bool,
+    /// Only read the first model
+    pub(crate) only_first_model: bool,
+impl ReadOptions {
+    /// Constructs a new [`ReadOptions`] object with default values.
+    pub fn new() -> Self {
+        Self::default()
+    }
+    /// Sets the format to read the file in.
+    pub fn set_format(&mut self, format: Format) -> &mut Self {
+        self.format = format;
+        self
+    }
+    /// Sets the strictness level to use when reading the file.
+    pub fn set_level(&mut self, level: StrictnessLevel) -> &mut Self {
+        self.level = level;
+        self
+    }
+    /// Sets whether to capitalise the chains in the structure.
+    pub fn set_capitalise_chains(&mut self, capitalise_chains: bool) -> &mut Self {
+        self.capitalise_chains = capitalise_chains;
+        self
+    }
+    /// Sets whether to decompress the file.
+    #[cfg(feature = "compression")]
+    pub fn set_decompress(&mut self, decompress: bool) -> &mut Self {
+        self.decompress = decompress;
+        self
+    }
+    /// Sets whether to discard hydrogens.
+    pub fn set_discard_hydrogens(&mut self, discard_hydrogens: bool) -> &mut Self {
+        self.discard_hydrogens = discard_hydrogens;
+        self
+    }
+    /// Sets whether to only keep the first model.
+    pub fn set_only_first_model(&mut self, only_first_model: bool) -> &mut Self {
+        self.only_first_model = only_first_model;
+        self
+    }
+    /// Reads a file into a [`PDB`] structure.
+    pub fn read(&self, path: &str) -> ReadResult {
+        open_with_options(path, self)
+    }
diff --git a/src/strictness_level.rs b/src/strictness_level.rs
index 7fc5eab..30eacff 100644
--- a/src/strictness_level.rs
+++ b/src/strictness_level.rs
@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ use std::fmt::Display;
 use crate::ErrorLevel;
-#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Copy, Clone, Default)]
 /// The strictness to operate in, this defines at which [`ErrorLevel`] the program should stop execution upon finding an error.
 pub enum StrictnessLevel {
     /// With `Strict` the program will always stop execution upon finding an error.
     /// With `Medium` the program will allow [`ErrorLevel::GeneralWarning`].
+    #[default]
     /// With `Loose` the program will allow [`ErrorLevel::GeneralWarning`] and [`ErrorLevel::LooseWarning`].