A/B testing is really a technique for making business decisions based on statistics, rather than a deployment strategy. However, it is related and can be implemented using a canary deployment so we will briefly discuss it here.In addition to distributing traffic amongst versions based on weight, you can precisely target a given pool of users based on a few parameters (cookie, user agent, etc.). This technique is widely used to test conversion of a given feature and only rollout the version that converts the most.
It is important that the canary ingress has the exact same name as the production ingress to ensure that the controller puts the configuration in the right section of nginx configuration. That means that you will need a second namespace as it is not possible to create a second resource with the same name in a single namespace
Also see https://medium.com/@domi.stoehr/canary-deployments-on-kubernetes-without-service-mesh-425b7e4cc862
cd ~/Workshop-K8S/k8s/a-b-testing
kubectl create namespace ab-v1
kubectl create namespace ab-v2
kubectl -n ab-v1 apply -f hello-world-v1.yaml
kubectl -n ab-v1 apply -f hello-world-ingress.yaml
curl http:/[public ip adress load balancer]/api
Or in browser: http://[public ip adress load balancer]
HTTP requests should be routed to v1
kubectl -n ab-v2 apply -f hello-world-v2.yaml
kubectl -n ab-v2 apply -f hello-world-ingress-v2.yaml
Check that requests are handled by v2
curl -H "Canary: always" [public ip adress load balancer]/api
kubectl delete ns ab-v1 ab-v2