Here are some links to other sites you may find useful:
- - home of the PHP open source programming language
PHP The Right Way - a great guide to good practice when programmign in PHP by Josh Lockhart
PHP-FIG - where the PSRs can be found (Programming Standsards Recommendations)
Symfonycasts - lots of video training (some free) about PHP, Twig (as well as the Symfony open-source PHP web aoppliaiotn framework)
Composer - the open-source PHP project dependency Manager
Packagist - the free repository for PHP packages (which Composer can install into your projects)
Twig - perhaps the most popular open-source PHP templating library
Doctrine-project - perhaps the most popular open-source PHP ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) library
my open-source, simple PHP ORM library, verbosely named "pdo-crud-for-free-repositories" (it does what it says on the tin ...)
the guide I made for my university PHP programming students using Windows computers
here is lionger list of PHP resources you might also find useful (by Jamie York a.k.a. ziadoz)