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92 lines (79 loc) · 4.26 KB

Generates the DAG of a git repository


  • pip install git-dag

Getting help

  • git dag -h to display help
usage: git-dag [-h] [-p PATH] [-f FILE] [-b {graphviz}] [--format FORMAT]
               [--dpi DPI] [-i INIT_REFS [INIT_REFS ...]]
               [-R RANGE [RANGE ...]] [-n MAX_NUMB_COMMITS]
               [--rankdir RANKDIR] [--bgcolor BGCOLOR] [-u] [-t] [-D] [-l]
               [-r] [-s] [-H] [-T] [-B] [-m COMMIT_MESSAGE_AS_LABEL] [-o]
               [--log-level {NOTSET,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}]

Visualize the git DAG.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p, --path PATH       Path to git repository.
  -f, --file FILE       Output graphviz file (could include a directory e.g.,
  -b, --dag-backend {graphviz}
                        Backend DAG library.
  --format FORMAT       Graphviz output format (tooltips are available only
                        with svg). If the format is set to 'gv', only the
                        graphviz source file is generated
  --dpi DPI             DPI of output figure (used with --format png).
  -i, --init-refs INIT_REFS [INIT_REFS ...]
                        A list of branches, tags, objects' SHA (commits,
                        trees, blobs) that represents a limitation from where
                        to display the DAG
  -R, --range RANGE [RANGE ...]
                        A list to commits in a range to display.
  -n, --max-numb-commits MAX_NUMB_COMMITS
                        Max number of commits (set to 0 to remove limitation).
  --rankdir RANKDIR     rankdir argument of graphviz (LR, RL, TB, BT).
  --bgcolor BGCOLOR     bgcolor argument of graphviz (e.g., transparent).
  -u                    Show unreachable commits.
  -t                    Show tags.
  -D                    Show deleted annotated tags.
  -l                    Show local branches.
  -r                    Show remote branches.
  -s                    Show stash.
  -H                    Show head.
  -T                    Show trees (WARNING: should be used only with small
  -B                    Show blobs (discarded if -T is not set).
                        When greater than 0, this is the number of characters
                        from the commit message to use as a commit label. The
                        commit SHA is used otherwise.
  -o, --xdg-open        Open output SVG file with xdg-open.
                        Log level.


  • git dag -rlst -n 20 would generate git-dag.gv (a graphviz dot file) and git-dag.gv.svg with:

    • the 20 most recent commits (-n 20, use -n -1 to show all)
    • all local branches (-l)
    • all remote branches (-r)
    • the stash (-s)
    • all tags (-t)
  • displaying trees (-T) and blobs (-B) is recommended only for small(ish) repositories.

  • using -n 10 -i my-branch my-tag would display the 10 most recent commits accessible from my-branch or my-tag.

Default color-codes

object color name
commit ${\texttt{\color{#cdad00}gold3}}$
unreachable commit ${\texttt{\color{#ff8c00}darkorange}}$
tree ${\texttt{\color{#00688b}deepskyblue4}}$
the empty tree ${\texttt{\color{#00ced1}darkturquoise}}$
blob ${\texttt{\color{#bebebe}gray}}$
annotated tag ${\texttt{\color{#ffc0cb}pink}}$
deleted annotated tag ${\texttt{\color{#ffc0cb}rosybrown4}}$
lightweight tag ${\texttt{\color{#f08080}lightcoral}}$
local branch ${\texttt{\color{#228b22}forestgreen}}$
remote branch ${\texttt{\color{#b22222}firebrick}}$
stash ${\texttt{\color{#87ceeb}skyblue}}$
HEAD ${\texttt{\color{#6495ed}cornflowerblue}}$