To build JavaScript SDK, you can simply run:
$ npm run build
The build will be in dist/
. You can serve it by
$ npm start
To build the extension, run npm run extension
. This will copy your config.yaml
a browserified token.js
Then, to run the extension, load chrome://extension
, hit "Load unpacked extension..." and
select the /extension
Selenium needs valid credentials to run, so first you'll want to copy over the example config file and update it with your credentials:
$ cp config.example.yaml config.yaml
$ vim config.yaml
Next, make sure you've built any changes you've made, as selenium uses the dist folder:
$ npm run build
Then, the suite can be run via the command:
$ npm run test:selenium
The Coverage report is generated by NYC and Mocha. Follow the instructions:
$ npm run coverage
The output will be in coverage. Open the index.html file in browser.
Long story short: use spaces to indent, indent with 2 spaces.
- Use this modeline in vim: et ts=2 sw=2 sta.
- JavaScript indenting in vim is pretty bad, but there is a vim script that helps:
Make sure to increase patch version number in package.json
Twilio client is hosted on CDN. Please check out To upload to CDN:
./upload twilio-client-js.json 1.4.{patch} ../twiliojs
To pin it, please use:
./pin twilio-client-js.json 1.4.{patch}
Verify by using:
./list twilio-client-js.json
Please see