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This is the page for the Fall 2018 course, the page for the Fall 2019 course is here
Lecturers Krzysztof Pietrzak ([email protected]) and Daniel Slamanig ([email protected]).
Teaching assistans Miachel Walter ([email protected]), Karen Klein ([email protected]) and Chethan Kamath ([email protected]).
The TU website with dates, locations etc. for the lecture and the tutorial.
To get credit for the lecture one needs to pass the midterm and final exam. The exams will be in the slots for the tutorial: the midterm exam is Thursday, December 6th 3-5pm and the final exam on Thursday, January 31st 3-5pm.
To get credit for the tutorial, you must get at least 50% of the total points for the homeworks. The concrete grading scheme is grade 1 for 80-100%, 2 for 70-80%, 3 for 60-70%, 4 for 50-60%, 5 (failing grade) for <50%. You can discuss the homeworks in groups, but everyone must write up and hand in the solutions individually.
Lecture material for the first part of the course can be found here.
Lecture material for the second part of the course can be found below.
Slides for Lecture 9, Public Key Revolution I/II, Dec. 4th
Homework 9
Solutions to Homework 9
Slides for Lecture 10, Public Key Revolution II/II, Dec. 11th
Homework 10
Solutions to Homework 10
Slides for Lecture 11, Public Key Encryption I/II, Dec. 18th
Homework 11
Solutions to Homework 11
Slides for Lecture 12, Public Key Encryption II/II, Jan. 8th
Homework 12
Solutions to Homework 12
Slides for Lecture 13, Digital Signatures, Jan. 15th
Homework 13
Solutions to Homework 13
Slides for Lecture 14, Advanced Encryption, Jan. 22nd
Homework 14
Solutions to Homework 14
Slides for Lecture 15, Selected Topics, Jan. 29th
Final exam
Solutions to final exam