From version 1.2.3 changelog can be tracked through github releases/tags
- Sort by multiple properties
- Removed assertions of all inputs from toEnum
- toEnum does not mutate input anymore
- Added option to deep (freeze, seal, preventExtensions) object prototype
- promisify.all don't accept mutate anymore and always mutate module (breaking change)
- promisify.all added option to promisify prototype chain
- removed documentation from code
- deepPreventExtensions
- Added options { proto: true } in deep (seal, freeze, preventExtensions) that instructs deep to loop over prototype chain.
- Fixed promisified function to preserve this.
- Promisify all now accepts mutate option which determines if target module will be mutated. Default value is false to compatible with current behavior.
- promisify.all
- Updated sort to remove check if sortBy exists
- Modules are now required in root. e.g js-flock/toEnum instead of js-flock/src/toEnum
- Added option to load ES5 transpiled modules. e.g js-flock/es5/toEnum or js-flock/es5/toEnum.min
- Changed enum short notation to create enum with Symbol
- Add validation(assertion) to enum
- Singular method emits done as first parameter not last
- Singular method is preserving this
- added singular method
- handling of helper methods in toEnum
- helper methods are not included into keys, values calculation
- lazy loading of helper keys, values (improve performance)
- option { multiArgs: true } in promisify to resolve multiple params
- test cases
- integration test
- sort utility method