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kenorb edited this page Oct 20, 2014 · 2 revisions

Manage the content pages.

Using Panels module

How to add new page:

  1. As admin, go to Structure, Pages and on the appeared page click Add custom page link.
  2. Then you need to input page Administrative title and specify the page root. Click Continue.
  3. Select category and layout. Click Continue.
  4. Select Renderer and add CSS classes if you need. Click Continue.
  5. At the Panel Content page you can define the blocks that will be displayed on the page. Click Finish.
  6. You will see the settings page that allows you to configure it the way you need. When done, click "Save".

How to edit the page:

  1. As admin, go to Structure, Pages and on the appeared page you'll see the settings page that allows you to configure it the way you need.
  2. Configure selected page and when done click "Save"

Blocks layout/appearance configuration and content editing.

The configuration for blocks you can find by selecting from the top menu Structure and go to Blocks section.

To configure theme blocks layout:

  1. On the opened blocks page you can drag & drop blocks to the different regions.

To change blocks appearance settings:

  1. On the opened blocks page you will see all blocks arranged by the corresponding regions.
  2. Click Configure button which is placed to the right of the corresponding block name to access block settings page.

You can also use Drupal contextual menu feature to access block settings page from the front-end.

To edit content of blocks based on the Views module:

  1. You can use Drupal front-end contextual menu feature for quick access of Views settings. Hover needed block, click on the appeared "gear" and select Edit View. Alternatively go to Structure, Views menu and click Edit to access corresponding view’s settings page.

For more info, check detailed video tutorial.

Menu appearance and configuration.

The configuration for menu you can find by selecting from the top menu Structure and go to Menus section.

For Superfish menu configuration, check Superfish module documentation.

Blocks and content editing.

Please open Structure -> Blocks menu to change blocks appearance settings.

Configuring Terms of Use

  1. Enable Terms of Use module (Modules).
  2. Add new Basic page with your Terms of Use content (Content -> Add content).
  3. Publish Terms of Use by going to 'Configuration -> Terms of Use' and specifying your existing page title.

How to configure Follow Site block

To configure Follow Site module, you need to:

  1. Make sure that Follow module is enabled in Modules.
  2. Then please go to Configuration, Web Services, Site and follow links menu to configure Follow Site block. Then please follow the instructions on the opened page.

For further info, check detailed video tutorial.

Adding/configuring Slider.

Configuring Slider using Views jQFX module.

To edit or remove:

  1. As admin go to Content.
  2. Use the search filter to locate the slides faster. Select type "Slider" and click the "Filter" button.
  3. In the popup list click "edit" link to edit the slide (e.g. image, title) or "delete" to remove it.

Add new slide:

  1. Click Add Content link at the top of the Content page.
  2. From the popup list select Slider.
  3. Input title, content and the slider image.

Slider module settings:

  1. To edit slider, you can hover mouse cursor over the slider and click gear icon or by going to Structure, Views, Slider and click Edit.
  2. All slider settings are available from the Format, Settings link.
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