We can do all the mouse actions with the Actions
// webdriver instance
IWebDriver Driver = new ChromeDriver();
// element to do mouse action
IWebElement Element = Driver.FindElement(By.Id(""));
// actions class instance
// NOTE: Actions class constructor takes 'WebDriver' as argument.
Actions Act = new Actions(Driver);
MoveToElement(webElement) | Used to do mouse hover on the given element | Act.MoveToElement(Element).Perform(); |
MoveToElement(webElement,x_offset,y_offset) | Used to do mouse hover on the given element with offset. center of the element is zero offset | Act.MoveToElement(Element, x, y).Perform(); |
MoveByOffset( int x, int y ) | Move the cursor (mouse hover) to given offset from last mouse coordinates | Act.MoveByOffset(x, y).Perform(); |
MoveToLocation( int x, int y ) | Move the cursor (mouse hover) to given offset from the top left corner of current view screen | Act.MoveToLocation(x, y).Perform(); |
Click() | Left Click the active element | Act.Click().Perform(); |
DoubleClick() | Double click at last mouse coordinates | Act.DoubleClick().Perform(); |
ContextClick() | Right click at last mouse coordinates | Act.ContextClick().Perform(); |
ClickAndHold() | Click and hold the active element | Act.ClickAndHold().Perform(); |
Release() | Release the mouse button at last mouse coordiates | Act.Release().Perform(); |
All the above methods have overloaded methods, which takes webelement as argument.
Click( webelement ) | Move to the given element, Left Click the given element |
Act.Click(Element).Perform(); |
DoubleClick( webelement ) | Move to the given element, Double click the given element. |
Act.DoubleClick(Element).Perform(); |
ContextClick( webelement ) | Move to the given element, Right click the given element. |
Act.ContextClick(Element).Perform(); |
ClickAndHold( webelement ) | Move to the given element, Click and hold the given element |
Act.ClickAndHold(Element).Perform(); |
Release( webelement ) | Move to the given element, Release the mouse button at given element |
Act.Release(Element).Perform(); |
DragAndDrop( source_element, target_element ) | Used to do drag from one element and drop to another element | Act.DragAndDrop(source, target).Perform(); |
DragAndDropToOffset( source_element, int x, int y ) | Used to do drag from one element and drop on the given offset | Act.DragAndDropToOffset(source, x, y).Perform(); |