- Support IP Ranges and IP Subnets as asset types. It dynamically creates an asset group too. When a scan match an IP addr included in an IP range/subnet but unknown in the local db, an asset is dynamically created.
- FIX:
- Scan details: pagineation issue
- DOC:
- Add integration with Synk.io (checks for vulnerable dependencies)
- MISC: None
- FIX:
- #7 Error Rules Route /add
- #8 Error / Add New Scan | kombu.exceptions.OperationalError
- #11 Remove rabbitMQ from supervisord.conf
- DOC: None
- MISC: None
- FIX: None
- DOC: Updating RELEASE.md and .gitignore files
- MISC: None
- FIX: None
- DOC: None
- MISC: Final commit before refactoring source code repo
- FEATURE: Adding custom tags on assets and asset groups
- FIX: owl_leaks Dockerfile (import utils)
- DOC: Update the installation guides
- DOC: Adding AGPLv3.0 Licences to backend and engines projects
- FEATURE: add pagination in findings and events tabs inside the detailed view of a scan
- FIX: Export assets errors (encoding + asset group selection)
- FIX: Stop scan
- Finding list: filter per references + pagination
- Reference links: support CVE-SEARCH (CIRCL.LU)
- Add comments (free text) to findings
- New engine: 'owl_code' for static code review. Support Retire.js for source code located on the unix filesystem, SVN+HTTP(S) and GIT+HTTP(S) repos
- FIX: no autorefresh engines statuses until authentication succeeded
- Search bar in scan details view
- Quick actions on findings scan details: change status or severity, export to JSON/STIX/HTML, delete, send alerts Slack/TheHive/Mail
- Nmap engine: multi-threading refactoring
- Update backend requirements.txt (thehive4py)
- Adding website www.survivowl.io
- New engine: "owl_leaks" aims at search data leaks on the web, the dark web and the deep web (social networks, source code repo, pasties, ...) using keywords. Support only GitHub for now.
- Upgrade to Django 1.11: upgrade django-celery-beat & deps, adding on_delete attributes on ForeignKey definitions
- Engines support debug mode
- Fixes in tasks
- Development roadmap (1st version)
- Performance: add EnginePolicyScopes to findings in order to enhance stats calculation on asset/asset group detailed views
- Dockerize Arachni, Cortex and owl_dns engines
- Dockerize Censys, Cortex, Nessus, Nmap, SSL-LABS, URLVoid and VT engines
- Adding related events in scan detailled view
- Update asset and asset groups HTML report templates
- Footer: auto-update engines status and running scans counter every 5 seconds
- SSL-Labs, URLVoid, VT Engines: support multi-threading + multi-hosts
- Asset listing: adding "reset filters" button + field search
- Asset details: adding direct links to related scans, remediations, investigation links and owners
- Nmap Engine: support multi-threading
- FIX: create media dir if not exists when importing scan policies w/ files
- integration fixes (supervisord config + dirs)
- export finding using STIX or JSON formats
- quick search & filter & sort on asset listing (todo: asset group listing)
- Adding quick engine status in footer
- Footer always at the bottom
- FIX issues: #1: 'Invalid json'
- Dashboard refactoring
- Adding cortex engine (select analyzers list, meta-analyzers or all analyzers available with datatype)
- Cortex analyzer to get asset report + report templates
- API authentication (Basic & Session) to /assets/api/v1/details/*
- Update finding infos on demand
- Alerts: Duplicate alert rule, Support alert notifications to email, Add severity to alert rule
- Add & Delete setting
- Add a minimalistic footer to all pages
- Start a scan on asset group
- Show asset group details on views for scan definition and scan performed
- Prettify views for adding new scan, new asset and new asset group
- Create alert rules
- Support alert notifications to events, TheHive and Slack
- Delete multiple selected assets in list view
- Prettify findings and scan detailed views
- Refactor asset grade management (performance improvement)
- Show new and missing findings on scan definition views
- nmap engine: trim asset name
- BO/Asset & AssetsGroups: Calculate risk grade + trends in details + risk grade in listing
- BO/Asset: Chart on asset security trends (asset details)
- BO/Events: List events in a JS/Datatable
- BO/Assets: export asset report in json
- BO/AssetsGroups: adding template for a detailed view
- BO/Assets & AssetsGroups: Adding quick report tags on detailed view
- Engines: Fix issues on VT & Dns engines
- Export policy file (json format) for selected policies
- Adding Settings App
- New component for logging: Event
- Logging object creation, updating and deletion
- Adding censys engine
- Nmap & Nessus engines: adding installation notes
- Nmap & Nessus engines: adding options support (host, port, debug) on start