The basic lecture provided some foundation on git and linux concepts and so we wish to enhance the same using the assignment below
Solve all the questions of first two lectures of missing semester as provided in the bottom of the lectures. Try to reseach and write clear explanations for each answer
Practise first 15 labs of Bandit. Do them after the missing semester and on your own and ask for help if stuck.
Complete the first 30 labs of Git Immersion and record your outputs and the respective commands in a README or text file.
Write a bash script to automate the any tasks in linux or macOS or WSL.
The best thing you can do is to write a basic training script in python and automate its training using variables and conditionals in Bash(read more about the same on the internet). The script should be able to log the terminal log outputs of the model in a text file. (** Bonus for more creativity or extensive scripts like creating way to download dataset directly through kaggle links or selecting parameters for the script)
Also you need to setup GPG and SSH keys for your system on GitHub (read the docs and ask for doubts). These are used for setting up git clone
using ssh and also signing and verification of commits.
Make a proper file for the work you have done in the assignment.
Make the submissions in the same folder by creating a directory with name <your-name>
and try to maintain a PR of the submission as soon as possible.
The deadline for submission is 30th April (most tasks can be completed within a day ;-))
P.S. You are encouraged to discuss and help each other in the process, preferably having a thread of discussion within slack. No plagiarism of each other's work will be tolerated and we may verify your submissions by asking you relevant questions about the same.