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19 lines (10 loc) · 1.07 KB

File metadata and controls

19 lines (10 loc) · 1.07 KB


ht_inv_response.txt - The response body from a HotelTonight V6 Inventory Request.

GET /v6/inventory?latitude=30.1530957434975&longitude=-97.84369858144012&num_nights=1 HTTP/1.1

ht_sql_queries_001.sql - The SQL statements needed to create a DB and populate it with HotelTonight data. Then query that data for the answers to the first two questions.

ht_sql_responses_001.txt - The responses from ht_sql_queries_001.sql.

ht_sql_queries_002.sql - The SQL statements needed to create a DB and populate it with HotelTonight data. Then query that data for the answers to the last two questions.

ht_sql_responses_002.txt - The responses from ht_sql_queries_002.sql.

In the responses to question 4, an integer value is returned associated with a day of the week. 1 is Sunday, 7 Saturday, the rest of the days of the week fall between those numbers as expected.

Note for when dealing with CSV files. Sometimes they may have extra characters appended to the end. Use sed to get rid of those characters.

Get rid of ^M nonsense at the end of CSV files: 'sed -i -e "s/\r//g" file'