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File metadata and controls

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在Dune Analytics上获取代币美元价格的最常见和最简单的方法是使用prices.usd表。然而,这个数据是从中心化交易所获取的,所以对于长尾(小众)的代币,最好的方法是从Uniswap获取价格。



WITH weth_pairs AS ( -- Get exchange contract address and "other token" for WETH
    SELECT cr."pair" AS contract, 
        CASE WHEN cr."token0" = '\xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2' then '0' ELSE '1' END  AS eth_token,
        CASE WHEN cr."token1" = '\xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2' then cr."token0" ELSE cr."token1" END  AS other_token 
    FROM uniswap_v2."Factory_evt_PairCreated" cr
    WHERE token0 = '\xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2' OR  token1 = '\xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2'

, swap AS ( -- Get all trades on the pair last 14 days
        CASE WHEN eth_token = '0' then sw."amount0In" + sw."amount0Out" ELSE sw."amount1In" + sw."amount1Out"
        END/1e18 AS eth_amt, 
        CASE WHEN eth_token = '1' then sw."amount0In" + sw."amount0Out" ELSE sw."amount1In" + sw."amount1Out"
        END/power(10, tok."decimals") AS other_amt, -- If the token is not in the erc20.tokens list you can manually divide by 10^decimals
        date_trunc('hour', sw."evt_block_time") AS hour
    FROM uniswap_v2."Pair_evt_Swap" sw
    JOIN weth_pairs ON sw."contract_address" = weth_pairs."contract"
    JOIN erc20."tokens" tok ON weth_pairs."other_token" = tok."contract_address"
    WHERE other_token = '\xeb4c2781e4eba804ce9a9803c67d0893436bb27d' --renBTC example
    -- To allow users to submit token address in the Dune UI you can use the below line:
    -- WHERE other_token = CONCAT('\x', substring('{{Token address}}' from 3))::bytea -- Allow user to input 0x... format and convert to \x... format
    AND sw.evt_block_time >= now() - interval '14 days'

, eth_prcs AS (
    SELECT avg(price) eth_prc, date_trunc('hour', minute) AS hour
    FROM prices.layer1_usd_eth
    WHERE minute >= now() - interval '14 days'
    group by 2

    AVG((eth_amt/other_amt)*eth_prc) AS usd_price,
    swap."symbol" AS symbol,
    swap."contract_address" AS contract_address,
    eth_prcs."hour" AS hour
FROM swap JOIN eth_prcs ON swap."hour" = eth_prcs."hour"
GROUP BY 2,3,4