Cesium can be build as an Android App.
Cesium use Ionic Framework v1.7.16 with some Apache Cordova plugins.
Follow all the steps defined in the Development guide.
After that you should be able to start the application using npm start
, and to test it.
You can choose to install
on Linux, install OpenJDK 11:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk
or Oracle JDK 8 (all platforms supported):
- Download it from Oracle web site
And choose the right version, depending on your platform.
Download Android Studio from the AndroidStudio-Downloads page
On MS Windows:
- Download file without the Android SDK:
- Then follow installation steps.
On Linux :
download the full archive, then uncompress it (e.g in
). -
open a terminal, run the command:
At the end of the installation or the first launch, Android Studio will indicate that you do not have an SDK and will propose to install it.
Install the version that it proposes to you.
The NDK is used for code execution in C ++, need to build the NaCL cryptography library.
Download NDK from this page
- Warning: Please use version
(not tested on newer versions).
- Warning: Please use version
Uncompress the archive (e.g on Linux, in a new directory
). -
Launch Android-studio, then open the menu
File > Project Structure...
A window like this should open:
Fill in the installation path of the NDK.
Download [Gradle 4.1](wget https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-4.1-bin.zip)
Uncompress the archive (e.g in
Android need some configuration, to be able to build Cesium.
- First, create a properties file
in the directoryplatforms/android
# Path to your Android SDK installation
# Path to your Android NDK installation
In order to sign your Android builds:
- Generate a new keystore file :
keytool -genkey -v -keystore Cesium.keystore -alias Cesium -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000`
- Create a file
in the directoryplatforms/android
- Open Android Studio, then open the menu
File > Settings...
. SetGradle Home
to your fresh Gradle installation directory (e.g./opt/gradle
- To build a signed APK file:
ionic build android --release
- To build an unsigned (debug) APK:
ionic build android
Generated APK files should be in the directory platforms/android/build/outputs/apk
If you get this error:
Cannot run program "/opt/android-sdk/build-tools/21.1.2/aapt": error=2, No such file or folder
Then install two additional compatibility libraries (workaround found in this post):
sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6 lib32z1