- DRN.Framework (0.6.0 released)
- Management best practices
- Engineering manifest
- Reference documents for design, architecture and microservices
- DRN.Nexus (will be released with 1.0.0)
- TestContext
- MethodContext
- ContainerContext
- PostgresContext
- RabbitMQContext
- ApplicationContext
- DataAttributes
- DataInlineAttribute
- DataMemberAttribute
- DataSelfAttribute
- Debugger only test attributes
- FactDebuggerOnly
- TheoryDebuggerOnly
- DataProvider & TestContext conventions
- Settings Provider & TestContext conventions
- AuthContext for OpenID Connect (OIDC)
- EmailContext with MailHog
- MessageBrokerContext with MassTransit
- DependencyInjection
- ScopedAttribute, ScopedWithKeyAttribute
- TransientAttribute, TransientWithKeyAttribute
- SingletonAttribute, SingletonWithKeyAttribute
- HasServiceCollectionModuleAttribute
- Service collection registration & Service provider validation extensions
- AppSettings
- ConfigurationDebugView
- Configuration
- JsonSerializerConfigurationSource
- Scoped Logs
- Domain Entities and definitions
- Generalized Convention Exceptions
- AppConstants
- Application specific TempPath
- ApplicationId
- Local IP address
- Source Known Ids
- DDD style entities, aggregates
- DrnContext inherited from DbContext and its DbContext conventions for rapid domain design and development
- Postgresql based remote dictionary with retentions
- Migration manager that supports sharding and schema based multi tenancy
- Convention & Settings based consumer, batch consumer, request consumer registrations
- Scoped log support
- Second level retry
- Timeouts with consumer context cancellation tokens
- Exception type based error queues
- Observable and Traceable Messages
- Consumer Topology
- Cron based recurring jobs
- Scheduled jobs
- Active passive distributed jobs
- Job Topology
- Http request scoped log support
- Secure endpoints
- Endpoint topology
- Service discovery
- Remote settings
- Self documenting microservices with unified topology
- Service discovery
- Remote settings
- Self documenting microservices with unified topology