diff --git a/lua/autorun/trackassembly_init.lua b/lua/autorun/trackassembly_init.lua index 8c6a41af..996ea0d3 100644 --- a/lua/autorun/trackassembly_init.lua +++ b/lua/autorun/trackassembly_init.lua @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ asmlib.SetIndexes("V",1,2,3) asmlib.SetIndexes("A",1,2,3) asmlib.SetIndexes("S",4,5,6,7) asmlib.InitAssembly("track") -asmlib.SetOpVar("TOOL_VERSION","4.118") +asmlib.SetOpVar("TOOL_VERSION","4.120") asmlib.SetOpVar("DIRPATH_BAS",asmlib.GetOpVar("TOOLNAME_NL")..asmlib.GetOpVar("OPSYM_DIRECTORY")) asmlib.SetOpVar("DIRPATH_EXP","exp"..asmlib.GetOpVar("OPSYM_DIRECTORY")) asmlib.SetOpVar("DIRPATH_DSV","dsv"..asmlib.GetOpVar("OPSYM_DIRECTORY")) diff --git a/lua/entities/gmod_wire_expression2/core/custom/trackasmlib_wire.lua b/lua/entities/gmod_wire_expression2/core/custom/trackasmlib_wire.lua index e766d938..40e70f91 100644 --- a/lua/entities/gmod_wire_expression2/core/custom/trackasmlib_wire.lua +++ b/lua/entities/gmod_wire_expression2/core/custom/trackasmlib_wire.lua @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ local stringSub = string and string.sub local stringUpper = string and string.upper local stringLen = string and string.len ------ Get extention enabled flag +----- Get extension enabled flag local enFlag = ((tonumber(asmlib.GetCoVar("enwiremod","INT")) or 0) ~= 0) and true or false --------- Pieces ---------- diff --git a/lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/trackassembly.lua b/lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/trackassembly.lua index aaf3a571..f0e13582 100644 --- a/lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/trackassembly.lua +++ b/lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/trackassembly.lua @@ -534,14 +534,14 @@ function TOOL:RightClick(Trace) ply:ConCommand(gsToolPrefL.."openframe "..asmlib.GetCoVar("maxfruse" ,"INT").."\n") return true end - if(asmlib.LoadPlyKey(ply,"DUCK")) then -- Use - if(asmlib.LoadPlyKey(ply,"SPEED")) then -- Left Shift + if(asmlib.LoadPlyKey(ply,"DUCK")) then -- Crouch ( Ctrl ) + if(asmlib.LoadPlyKey(ply,"SPEED")) then -- Run ( Left Shift ) pnextid = asmlib.IncDecPnextID(pnextid,pointid,"-",hdRec) else pnextid = asmlib.IncDecPnextID(pnextid,pointid,"+",hdRec) end - else - if(asmlib.LoadPlyKey(ply,"SPEED")) then -- Left Shift + else -- Not Crouch ( Ctrl ) + if(asmlib.LoadPlyKey(ply,"SPEED")) then -- Run ( Left Shift ) pointid = asmlib.IncDecPointID(pointid,"-",hdRec) else pointid = asmlib.IncDecPointID(pointid,"+",hdRec) diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md index 8fe752fb..29812cdd 100644 --- a/readme.md +++ b/readme.md @@ -69,19 +69,22 @@ A: Here they are, with available status, why I did not do some of them ( in the Q: Are there going to be more of those? A: Yes, I developed my dynamic database, so I can insert any model I want. - When I have free time I will make more, because its a lot of data i insert in the DB + When I have free time I will make more, because its a lot of data I insert in the DB Q: How can I change fast my piece model? -A: Duck Key ( Default: Crtl ) + Left click. +A: Press DUCK ( Default: Ctrl ) + ATTACK1 ( Default: Left mouse button ). Q: How can I open the recently used pieces list. -A: Press USE ( Default: E ) + Right mouse button. +A: Press USE ( Default: E ) + ATTACK2 ( Default: Right mouse button ). Q: How can I make a track with multiple piece segments? -A: Hold Speed/Run ( Default: Shift ), point to an active position then Left click while holding. +A: Hold SPEED ( Default: Shift ), point to an active position then press + ATTACK1 ( Default: Left mouse button ) while holding. -Q: How to choose Previous, Next active position and vice-versa? -A: Shift + RightClick, Right Click. +Q: How can I choose desired, Next active position? +A: Use ATTACK2 ( Default: Right mouse button ) for VICE + SPEED ( Default: Shift ) + + ATTACK2 ( Default: Right mouse button ) for VERSA Q: Can I assemble tracks in a different than default way? A: Yes, use the X,Y,Z P,Y and R offsets. @@ -100,9 +103,15 @@ A: Remember when I got suggestions to do the switchers. Q: I want to change the active position of the next rail when stacking, could you help me with that? -A: Do you see the yellow line with the circle, use E + RightClk - or E + Shift + RigthClk to change its position and vice-versa. - Now use the stacking option ( Shift + LeftClk ). +A: Do you see the yellow line with the circle, use + DUCK ( Default: Ctrl ) + + ATTACK2 ( Default: Right mouse button ) for VICE + DUCK ( Default: Ctrl ) + + SPEED ( Default: Shift ) + + ATTACK2 ( Default: Right mouse button ) for VERSA + Now use the stacking option and you are done ! + SPEED ( Default: Shift ) + + ATTACK1 ( Default: Left mouse button ). Q: Well, I am having hard time placing the last track flat relative to the map ground, can you help me? @@ -160,7 +169,7 @@ N: The error is logged if the logs are enabled ! Q: Dude, is there any other way to connect ( weld ) all the pieces relative to one big base prop and use it as an anchor to constrain these thing to? -A: Well yeah, select/clear the anchor prop using IN_SPEED ( def. Shift ) + IN_RELOAD ( def. R ) +A: Well yeah, select/clear the anchor prop using SPEED ( Default: Shift ) + RELOAD ( Default: R ) When pointing to an entity, trace will be selected for an anchor or point to the world to clear it. Q: Does this thing have any wire extensions and how can I control then @@ -260,7 +269,7 @@ A: First of all if the the error origin is not the TA, 9) If the error does not go away pls proceed to ( 10 - 16 ) 10) Enable the logs via the console "trackassembly_logsmax 10000" hit enter 11) Enable the log file via the console "trackassembly_logfile trackasmlib_log" hit enter - 12) Point to the world in-game hold "IN_SPEED" ( Running: Shift ) + Reload + 12) Point to the world in-game hold SPEED ( Default: Shift ) + RELOAD ( Default: R ) 13) Now the hardest part - While in-game do some stuff and make it crash 14) Navigate to ..Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\data\trackassembly\trackasmlib_log.txt 15) Report the log and the error to https://github.com/dvdvideo1234/TrackAssemblyTool/issues @@ -273,7 +282,7 @@ Q: Yo, can I add some personal models to TA ? A: Yes, you can. For every active point, you have to add a line in the table PIECES. 1) In the console ( Bring it up with ~ key under ESC ): "trackassembly_exportdb 1" [ press enter ] 2) After exporting, tables are located under ..common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\data\trackassembly\dsv\ [DSV Folder] - 3) Server: Point the crosshair anywhere on the map, then hit IN_SPEED ( Def: Shift ) + IN_RELOAD ( Def: R ) + 3) Server: Point the crosshair anywhere on the map, then hit SPEED ( Default: Shift ) + RELOAD ( Default: R ) 4) Client: Just bring up the Frequently used pieces screen, then click the "Export client's DB" button 5) Use Excel or another table editing program to edit the files sv_*.txt and cl_*.txt 6) After you are done, proceed as below [Excel 2010]