Create a excercise/{user}/wk06/
Use this to keep track of your commands and present your results.
Use the read files in ~/share/OMICS/wk06/reads
- Sub-sample the first 100K from each set into a new file in your working directory. Remember to keep track of sample names and R1/R2s.
- Use
bwa mem
to align these reads to the SGD genome. - Use
samtools view
to determine how many reads aligned from each sample at a Q30 threshold. Create a table in your README describing this. - Use
samtools depth
and determine the average depth across each chromosome in each sample. - After alignment, sorting, and indexing, download them to your own computer and load them into IGV.
- Use the IGV browser, find a region where there seems to be a amino-acid change between the three samples. Take a screenshot and add it to the Readme.
- Do a brief search about the protein, is anything known? Write about it in the README.