The gives you adequate information on how to install dependencies and launch the app. Once you've done that, this document is intended to give you a taste of how an app works, and more importantly, why we choose the technology. It still assumes basic knowledge of React and Next.js. If you're completely new to React, please refer to instead!
When we choose a technology, the first question always is "did that technology achieve a certain level of stability and maturity?". Quick wins are great, but products, teams, and infrastructure evolving into new things can only be created with years of effort. React has been proven to be the answer when the question comes to selecting our frontend backbone. Not many frameworks evolving over a decade can still maintain the right balance of stability, performance, and usability like React.
Production grade React applications that scale, we list Next.js to be the first candidate when we decide to setup a React app. The opinionated framework gives you the best developer experience with all the features you need for production: hybrid static & server rendering, TypeScript support, smart bundling, route pre-fetching.
We don't advocate for any state management library at the moment. One of the reasons libraries like Redux were so successful is because they solved the problem of prop drilling. However, the born of Context API made it easy to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level. More importantly, we think most applications don't need a complicated global state, and Context API is more than enough to solve that uncomplex problem. Our philosophy in React state management is simple: try to keep state as local as possible and use React context when prop drilling becomes a worry.
We are adopting TypeScript to our codebase. Forcing to write strongly-typed syntax while you are familiar with dynamic/multi-paradigm scripting language like JavaScript is sometimes annoying, even for experienced developers. However, the drawback can be outweighed by the following benefits when coming to write a medium to large sized applications:
- Catching your bugs at compile-time as you type them.
- Coding confidently with autocompletion, definition jumping and source documentation.
- Syncing API Interfaces between backend and frontend via Swagger json doc.
- Relieve the pain of refactoring/renaming .
We use SWR as the caching layer for the backend data to ensure the UI will be always fast and reactive. The strategy is to first return the data from cache (stale), then send the fetch request (revalidate), and finally, come with the up-to-date data. The data can be dynamic and self-updated overtime. It features:
- Transport and protocol agnostic data fetching
- Fast page navigation
- Revalidation on focus
- Interval polling
- Request deduplication
- Local mutation
If you are going to use a package for your forms, we recommend react-hook-forms. It is a great balance of good performance and good developer experience.
We are using antd
as the go-to UI framework to build the presentation layer.
The choice was made because it provides a set of high quality React components
that cover most of functional requirements and the ease of styles customisation
when combining with styled-components
, which satisfies the brand-new UI
design. Thus, it helps developers move quickly while keeping a neat codebase,
regardless of experience levels.
Most of the frontend applications consist of four layers: Service connector, State management, Logic and UI. We opinionate about the technology for each layer with a guarantee of production readiness.
This repo includes a complete static code analysis setup. It's composed of ESLint and Prettier.
We recommend that you install the relevant IDE extensions for each one of these tools. Once you do, every time you'll press save, all your code will be formatted and reviewed for quality automatically. (Read more at
We've also set up a git hook to automatically analyze and fix linting errors
before your code is committed. If you'd like to disable it or modify its
behavior, take a look at the lint-staged
section in package.json