Status | (Adopt / Trial / Assess / Hold) |
Author(s) | My Name ([email protected]), AN Other ([email protected]) |
Type | (Tool / Technique / Langues or Framework / Platform) |
What are we doing and why? What problem will this solve? What are the goals and non-goals? This is your executive summary; keep it short, elaborate below.
Why this is a valuable problem to solve? What background information is needed to show how this design addresses the problem?
Which users are affected by the problem? Why is it a problem? What data supports this? What related work exists?
How will people benefit from this work? How this can benefit your work?
Link to your code folder (for tool) or documents/slides (for Technique, Langues, Framework and Platform)
- We should create end-to-end examples (ideally, a tutorial) which reflects how this tech will be used. Some things to consider related to the tutorial:
- The minimum requirements for this are to consider how this would be used (prerequisites knowledge, preinstalled applications, ...).
- This should be written as if it is documentation of the new user, not for experienced developers.