- Divide the range
in N equal width rectangles - Let m be the midpoint along the width of a rectangle
- Its height is then f(m)
- This height can be negative, and as such, results in a negative area
- Add the areas of all rectangles
- Larger N results in better approximation
width = (b-a)/N
area = 0
for i = 0 to N-1:
mid = a + (i+0.5)*width
height = f(mid)
area += height*width
return area
- Use trapezoids instead of rectangles
- Are of trapezoid with width
and side lengthsu
:- =
wv + 0.5w(u-v)
- =
wv + 0.5wu - 0.5wv
- =
0.5wv + 0.5wu
- =
- =
width = (b-a)/N
area = 0
for i = 0 to N-1:
start = a + i*width
u = f(start)
v = f(start + width)
area += 0.5*w*(u+v)
return area