- Dagger 101
- A way of writing CI CD in any supported language - python, go, CUE
- Portable CI - write once run anywhere
- No CI vendor lockin
- Full power of programming language
- Simple deps - Docker + Dagger CLI = profit!
- For demo
- Build a VPC + DOKS cluster with Terraform
- Fetch kubeconfig with doctl
- Install and configure cluster API
- Dagger will be the glue and orchestration
- Deploy using
source secrets.env && make deploy-infra
source secrets.env && make install-capi
- Other commands
make destroy-infra
make deploy-plan / destroy-plan
- While deploying
- Dagger is made up of modules and functions -
dagger functions
- Modules are collections of functions which represent CI tasks
- Functions can be chained into each other and reused in a pipeline passing context along chain -
- Secrets can be injected - dagger automatically scrubs them from logs
- Dagger is made up of modules and functions -