这一点并不会给Rollup内的运行带来任何问题或增加任何延迟。Arbitrum Rollup协议管理着断言的状态树,允许验证者通过持续构建树的解构来维持状态更新,即使所结点没有确认也可以继续推进。这意味着诚实的验证者可以自信地推进链的状态(同时也具有强制的能力),以太坊最终会确认哪个分支是正确的,任何验证链状态的人都能马上知晓,哪个分支最终会被接受。
* @notice Allows a user to redirect their right to claim a withdrawal to a liquidityProvider, in exchange for a fee.
* @dev This method expects the liquidityProvider to verify the liquidityProof, but it ensures the withdrawer's balance
* is appropriately updated. It is otherwise agnostic to the details of IExitLiquidityProvider.requestLiquidity.
* @param liquidityProvider address of an IExitLiquidityProvider
* @param liquidityProof encoded data required by the liquidityProvider in order to validate a fast withdrawal.
* @param initialDestination address the L2 withdrawal call initially set as the destination.
* @param erc20 L1 token address
* @param amount token amount (should match amount in previously-initiated withdrawal)
* @param exitNum Sequentially increasing exit counter determined by the L2 bridge
* @param maxFee max mount of erc20 token user will pay for fast exit
function fastWithdrawalFromL2(
address liquidityProvider,
bytes memory liquidityProof,
address initialDestination,
address erc20,
uint256 amount,
uint256 exitNum,
uint256 maxFee
) external override
要通过原子锁交换来实现快速提现,用户直接在Arbitrum向流动性提供者付款,流动性提供者再将资金在L1上给用户。Hashed time locked contracts(HTLCs),哈希时间锁定合约,确保这两个操作最终是原子性的,要么都发生要么都不发生,不存在中间态,以保证免信任。
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