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Install museekd

libxml++2.6-dev or libxml++1.0-dev
libevent >= 1.3e
Python (by Python bindings)
pyexpat (for musetup)
CMake >= 2.8.3 (for building)
QT >= 5 for museeq

SWIG (for the mucipher Python bindings)\

To keep our system clean we can build everything in a Docker container:

$ cd /path/to/src
$ docker run -v $(pwd):/source -it debian:stable bash

Inside the container:

apt-get update
apt-get install -y cmake build-essential python swig pkg-config libxml2-dev libevent-dev libxml++2.6-dev qttools5-dev qtscript5-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev python-dev python-geoip geoip-database-extra
cd /source

Get binaries and help for Museek+ here:

museekd can be installed using CMake or python's distutils.
distutils doesn't provide for uninstalls, so be cautious with it.
The recommended way to build museek is using CMake.

Install using CMake

Configure Features

Prefix the boolean variables with -D, set them to 1 to enable the feature, 0 to disable.
Default values are between brackets.


EVERYTHING (0): Enable all features.
MUSEEKD (1): Build museekd soulseek daemon.
MUSETUP (1): Build musetup configuration interface for museekd.
MUSEEQ (1): Build museeq Qt client.
MUSCAN (1): Build muscan shared file index generator.
MUCOUS (0): Build mucous curses client.
MURMUR (0): Build murmur PyGTK client.
PYMUCIPHER (0): Generate PyMucipher bindings.
PYTHON_BINDINGS (0): Generate python bindings.
PYTHON_CLIENTS (0): Build python clients (mulog, museekchat, museekcontrol, musirc).\

Museeq options

BINRELOC (0): Use binary relocation.
RELOAD_TRANSLATIONS (0): Update .ts files in src/museeq/translations.

Install Location

To customize the installation location, different variables can be set. For an exhaustive list please see the GNUInstallDirs module documentation which is part of cmake.

Examples: CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: Where museek+ should be installed (default is /usr/local)
CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR: Where man files should be installed (default is share/man)
CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR: Where data files should be installed (default is share). Museek will put it's data in a museek/ subfolder relative to this.
Relative paths are appended to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. Absolute paths are also possible.

Build Commands

$ cd /path/to/src
$ mkdir build/
$ cd build/
$ cmake -CMAKE_INSTALL_DPREFIX=/usr ..
(or) $ cmake -DMUCOUS=1 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -DCMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR=/usr/share/man ..
$ make -j$(nproc+1)
(or) $ make VERBOSE=1
$ sudo make install

Distutils (Python's built-in installation tool)

Based on the desired feature, cd to the appropriate directory and issue the build commands.

Feature Directories

PyMucipher (requires SWIG, Python)

$ cd Mucipher/PyMucipher/

Python Bindings

$ cd python-bindings/

Python Clients (mulog, museekchat, museekcontrol,
Requires: PyMucipher or PyCrypto, Python Bindings

$ cd python-clients/

Setup tools (musetup, musetup-gtk, musetup-qt)

$ cd setup/

Requires: PyMucipher or PyCrypto, Python Bindings

$ cd mucous/

Build Commands

$ python build
$ sudo python install
(or) $ sudo python install --prefix=/usr/local