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Authors YAML file

cgebken edited this page Jul 10, 2018 · 8 revisions

For the "About the author" section at the end of each post, we collect all necessary information in a YAML file. You can find the authors.yaml file here: _data.

The file is sorted alphabetically by author id. Only one entry per author is needed. This entry contains the following information:

  • id
    The id consists of the first letter of your first name and your whole last name. It is used to match your YAML file entry to the posts you write. That's why you also need to add your id in the front matter.

  • name
    The name will be displayed on the top of the post. In most of the cases, it is only your first name. But if there are more people with your first name in the company, you need to enter the first letter of your last name and a dot.

  • full_name
    This is where you enter your full name. It will be displayed in the "About the author section".

  • description
    The full_name and the description are closely connected to each other. The full_name starts the sentence and the description continues it. So start your description with lower case.

    You can decide what exactly you'd like to write in this section. But try to stick to the ones we already have: Start with some information on your position, and then give some insights into your passions and interests. We do not want to work with senior/junior titles here, so please use a general description of your position.

  • image
    This image will be displayed as an avatar next to your full_name and the description. Upload an image of yourself, e.g. the one from the Department and Members page, or a private one in Use your id as image name.

    ℹ️ Please make sure to upload a square image (e.g. 600x600).

    If you don't feel comfortable with an image of yourself, you can use our avatar image by entering avatar_male.jpg for the male one, and avatar_female.jpg for the female one.

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