Name | Type | Description | Notes |
pkiCreditcardmerchantID | kotlin.Int | The unique ID of the Creditcardmerchant | |
fkiBankaccountID | kotlin.Int | The unique ID of the Bankaccount | |
bCreditcardmerchantDenyvisa | kotlin.Boolean | Whether if visa are denied | |
bCreditcardmerchantDenymastercard | kotlin.Boolean | Whether if mastercard are denied | |
bCreditcardmerchantDenyamex | kotlin.Boolean | Whether if amex are denied | |
bCreditcardmerchantIsactive | kotlin.Boolean | Whether the creditcardmerchant is active or not | |
sCreditcardmerchantDescription | kotlin.String | The description of the Creditcardmerchant | |
sCreditcardmerchantStoreid | kotlin.String | The storeid of the Creditcardmerchant | |
fkiLanguageID | kotlin.Int | The unique ID of the Language. Valid values: | Value |