Workflow | yes / no |
Deployed to Heroku | |
Look and feel is similar to the original (consider styling and layout) | |
Before logging in | |
On index page, there are at most 10 pieces of media on three lists, and a Media Spotlight | |
Can go into a work's show page | |
Verify unable to vote on a work, and get a flash message | |
Can edit this work successfully, and get a flash message | |
Can go to "View all media" page and see three lists of works, sorted by vote | |
Verify unable to create a new work when the form is empty, and details about the validation errors are visible to the user through a flash message | |
Can create a new work successfully. Note the URL for this work's show page | |
Can delete this work successfully | |
Going back to the URL of this deleted work's show page produces a 404 or some redirect behavior (and does not try to produce a broken view) | |
Verify that the "View all users" page lists no users | |
Log in | |
Logging in with a valid name changes the UI to "Logged in as" and "Logout" buttons | |
Your username is listed in "View all users" page | |
Verify that number of votes determines the Media Spotlight | |
Voting on several different pieces of media affects the "Votes" tables shown in the work's show page and the user's show page | |
Voting on the same work twice produces an error and flash message, and there is no extra vote | |
Log out | |
Logging out showed a flash message and changed the UI | |
Logging in as a new user creates a new user | |
Logging in as an already existing user has a specific flash message |
Area | yes / no |
git commits were small and atomic, with useful messages | |
Routes file uses resources for works |
Routes file shows intention in limiting routes for voting, log-in functionality, and users | |
The homepage view, all media view, and new works view use semantic HTML | |
The homepage view, all media view, and new works view use partials when appropriate | |
The model for media (likely named work.rb ) has_many votes |
The model for media has methods to describe business logic, specifically for top ten and top media, possibly also for getting works by some category | |
Some controller, likely the ApplicationController , has a controller filter for finding a logged in user |
Some controller, likely the WorksController , has a controller filter for finding a work |
The WorksController uses strong params |
The WorksController 's code style is clean, and focused on working with requests, responses, params , session , flash |
Area | yes / no |
There are valid fixtures files used for users, votes, and works | |
User model has tests with sections on validations (valid and invalid) and relationships (has votes) | |
Vote model has tests with sections on validations (valid and invalid) and relationships (belongs to a user, belongs to a vote) | |
Work model has tests with sections on validations (valid and invalid) and relationships (has votes) | |
Work model has tests with a section on all business logic methods in the model, including their edge cases |