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61 lines (52 loc) · 3.42 KB

Media Ranker

What We're Looking For

Manual Testing

Workflow yes / no
Deployed to Heroku
Look and feel is similar to the original (consider styling and layout)
Before logging in
On index page, there are at most 10 pieces of media on three lists, and a Media Spotlight
Can go into a work's show page
Verify unable to vote on a work, and get a flash message
Can edit this work successfully, and get a flash message
Can go to "View all media" page and see three lists of works, sorted by vote
Verify unable to create a new work when the form is empty, and details about the validation errors are visible to the user through a flash message
Can create a new work successfully. Note the URL for this work's show page
Can delete this work successfully
Going back to the URL of this deleted work's show page produces a 404 or some redirect behavior (and does not try to produce a broken view)
Verify that the "View all users" page lists no users
Log in
Logging in with a valid name changes the UI to "Logged in as" and "Logout" buttons
Your username is listed in "View all users" page
Verify that number of votes determines the Media Spotlight
Voting on several different pieces of media affects the "Votes" tables shown in the work's show page and the user's show page
Voting on the same work twice produces an error and flash message, and there is no extra vote
Log out
Logging out showed a flash message and changed the UI
Logging in as a new user creates a new user
Logging in as an already existing user has a specific flash message

Targeted Code Review

Area yes / no
git commits were small and atomic, with useful messages
Routes file uses resources for works
Routes file shows intention in limiting routes for voting, log-in functionality, and users
The homepage view, all media view, and new works view use semantic HTML
The homepage view, all media view, and new works view use partials when appropriate
The model for media (likely named work.rb) has_many votes
The model for media has methods to describe business logic, specifically for top ten and top media, possibly also for getting works by some category
Some controller, likely the ApplicationController, has a controller filter for finding a logged in user
Some controller, likely the WorksController, has a controller filter for finding a work
The WorksController uses strong params
The WorksController's code style is clean, and focused on working with requests, responses, params, session, flash

Targed Test Review

Area yes / no
There are valid fixtures files used for users, votes, and works
User model has tests with sections on validations (valid and invalid) and relationships (has votes)
Vote model has tests with sections on validations (valid and invalid) and relationships (belongs to a user, belongs to a vote)
Work model has tests with sections on validations (valid and invalid) and relationships (has votes)
Work model has tests with a section on all business logic methods in the model, including their edge cases

Overall Feedback