Live demo
This visualization shows the status on European countries according to seven data variables:
- General government gross debt
- Government bond yields
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Infant mortality rate
- Low satisfaction
- Underachieving students
- Unemployment by sex and age
This so called "spider web" visualization shows more red for countries which are not perfoming in the categories.
The data comes from various statistics gathered and provided by the Eurostat.
If you are interested in using the interactive version please contact Teemo Tebest, [email protected]
This visualization is part of the EBU News Exchange’s Data Journalism project. Other projects are available:
The material may be used only by Eurovision active members and sub-licensees.
This is a Webpack + React project.
npm install
npm start
Project should start at: http://localhost:8080
For developing please refer to package.json