diff --git a/node-red-node-wot/README.md b/node-red-node-wot/README.md index b065fe7..9ecb4aa 100644 --- a/node-red-node-wot/README.md +++ b/node-red-node-wot/README.md @@ -1,8 +1,11 @@ # Node-RED Packages of node-wot +[![Telegram Group](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?color=neon&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftg.sumanjay.workers.dev%2Fnodewot)](https://t.me/nodewot) +[![Discord](https://img.shields.io/badge/Discord-7289DA?logo=discord&logoColor=white&label=node-wot)](https://discord.gg/JXY2Jzefz3) + A [Node-RED](https://nodered.org/) package of nodes for the [Web of Things](https://www.w3.org/WoT/). -Can be installed from the Node-RED palette manager directly or via npm (see [the npm package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@thingweb/node-red-node-wot)). +Can be installed from the Node-RED palette manager directly (see [the Node-RED library entry](https://flows.nodered.org/node/@thingweb/node-red-node-wot)) or via npm (see [the npm package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@thingweb/node-red-node-wot)). The package provides nodes that can communicate with any HTTP/HTTPS, WebSocket, CoAP/CoAPS, MQTT, OPC UA, and Modbus device based on its [W3C WoT Thing Description](https://www.w3.org/TR/wot-thing-description/). The package is built upon the [node-wot](https://github.com/eclipse-thingweb/node-wot) runtime environment. @@ -22,7 +25,7 @@ Those nodes are as follows and needed to interact with different interaction aff 1) Server-Event node; 1) Server-TD node. -![WoT nodes](screenshots/nodes.png) +![WoT nodes](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eclipse-thingweb/node-red/main/node-red-node-wot/screenshots/nodes.png) ## Getting Started @@ -32,11 +35,11 @@ To consume a Thing and interact with it, drag and drop one of the interaction no Then, double-click on that node. Click the pencil icon next to the _Add new consumed-thing_ dropdown inside the opened window. -![Add new consumed Thing](screenshots/add-thing.png) +![Add new consumed Thing](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eclipse-thingweb/node-red/main/node-red-node-wot/screenshots/add-thing.png) A new window will appear. -![Add Thing Description](screenshots/add-td.png) +![Add Thing Description](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eclipse-thingweb/node-red/main/node-red-node-wot/screenshots/add-td.png) Now, copy-paste/type in a Thing Description inside the TD JSON box or fetch a Thing Description from a URL. **Tip:** If you choose the first option, click on the three dots to expand the JSON editor. @@ -126,7 +129,7 @@ Also, the client can use the Update TD node to replace the Thing Description. Fo You can get the Example from the Import menu of the Node-RED editor for reference. -![Import Example Flows](screenshots/import-example-flows.png) +![Import Example Flows](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eclipse-thingweb/node-red/main/node-red-node-wot/screenshots/import-example-flows.png) Currently, the supported binding types are HTTP, CoAP, and MQTT. As shown in the table below, each of these types of bindings has its own available/unavailable functions. Available functions are denoted by `✓` and unavailable functions are denoted by `-`.