For our first exercise, you'll be building out a click-through movie details card component that displays additional information for a given film.
As developers, we're often presented with user stories that define the requirements for a new feature. Your user story is as follows:
As a user, I would like to be able to click on a movie on the homepage and see a pop-up card with full movie details
User stories typically come with a set of acceptance criteria, which should be met in order for the feature to be considered complete (but a reminder, you don't necessarily have to complete all of it for the purposes of our exercise). Your acceptance criteria for this feature is:
- On click of a movie card on the homepage, make a GET request to
GET /movie/{movie_id}
endpoint to get movie details (documentation here) - Movie detail card component should display poster, release date, length, description, genre, title, rating, IMDb link