Export request.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
project_id | int | The project to export. | |
exp_type | ExportTypeEnum | The export type. | |
use_latin1 | bool | Export using latin 1 character set, AKA iso-8859-1. Default is utf-8. | [optional] [default to False] |
tsv_entities | str | For 'TSV' type, the entities to export, one letter for each of O(bject), P(rocess), A(cquisition), S(ample), C(omments). | [optional] [default to ''] |
only_annotations | bool | For 'BAK' type, only save objects' last annotation data in backup. | [optional] [default to False] |
split_by | str | For 'TSV' type, inside archives, split in one directory per... 'sample', 'acquisition', 'taxon' or '' (no split). | [optional] [default to ''] |
coma_as_separator | bool | For 'TSV' type, use a , instead of . for decimal separator. | [optional] [default to False] |
format_dates_times | bool | For 'TSV' type, format dates and times using - and : respectively. | [optional] [default to True] |
with_images | bool | For 'BAK' and 'DOI' types, export images as well. | [optional] [default to False] |
with_internal_ids | bool | For 'TSV' type, export internal DB IDs. | [optional] [default to False] |
with_types_row | bool | Add an EcoTaxa-compatible second line with types. | [optional] [default to False] |
only_first_image | bool | For 'DOI' type, export only first (displayed) image. | [optional] [default to False] |
sum_subtotal | SummaryExportGroupingEnum | For 'SUM', 'ABO', 'CNC' and 'BIV' types, if computations should be combined. Per A(cquisition) or S(ample) or <Empty>(just taxa). | [optional] |
pre_mapping | Dict[str, int] | For 'ABO', 'CNC' and 'BIV' types types, mapping from present taxon (key) to output replacement one (value). Use a null replacement to discard the present taxon. | [optional] |
formulae | Dict[str, str] | Transitory: For 'CNC' and 'BIV' type, how to get values from DB free columns. Python syntax, prefixes are 'sam', 'ssm' and 'obj'.Variables used in computations are 'total_water_volume', 'subsample_coef' and 'individual_volume' | [optional] |
out_to_ftp | bool | Copy result file to FTP area. Original file is still available. | [optional] [default to False] |
from ecotaxa_py_client.models.export_req import ExportReq
# TODO update the JSON string below
json = "{}"
# create an instance of ExportReq from a JSON string
export_req_instance = ExportReq.from_json(json)
# print the JSON string representation of the object
# convert the object into a dict
export_req_dict = export_req_instance.to_dict()
# create an instance of ExportReq from a dict
export_req_form_dict = export_req.from_dict(export_req_dict)