All information about the Job.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
params | object | Creation parameters. | [optional] |
result | object | Final result of the run. | [optional] |
errors | List[str] | The errors seen during last step. | [optional] [default to []] |
question | object | The data provoking job move to Asking state. | [optional] |
reply | object | The data provided as a reply to the question. | [optional] |
inside | object | Internal state of the job. | [optional] |
id | int | Job unique identifier. | |
owner_id | int | The user who created and thus owns the job. | |
type | str | The job type, e.g. import, export... | |
state | str | What the job is doing. Could be 'P' for Pending (Waiting for an execution thread), 'R' for Running (Being executed inside a thread), 'A' for Asking (Needing user information before resuming), 'E' for Error (Stopped with error), 'F' for Finished (Done). | [optional] |
step | int | Where in the workflow the job is. | [optional] |
progress_pct | int | The progress percentage for UI. | [optional] |
progress_msg | str | The message for UI, short version. | [optional] |
creation_date | datetime | The date of creation of the Job, as text formatted according to the ISO 8601 standard. | |
updated_on | datetime | Last time that anything changed in present line. |
from ecotaxa_py_client.models.job_model import JobModel
# TODO update the JSON string below
json = "{}"
# create an instance of JobModel from a JSON string
job_model_instance = JobModel.from_json(json)
# print the JSON string representation of the object
# convert the object into a dict
job_model_dict = job_model_instance.to_dict()
# create an instance of JobModel from a dict
job_model_form_dict = job_model.from_dict(job_model_dict)