How to reduce project data.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
taxo | str | Coma-separated list of numeric taxonomy/category ids. Only include objects classified with one of them. | [optional] |
taxochild | str | If 'Y' and taxo is set, also include children of each member of 'taxo' list in taxonomy tree. | [optional] |
statusfilter | str | Include objects with given status: 'NV': Not validated 'PV': Predicted or Validated 'PVD': Predicted or Validated or Dubious 'NVM': Validated, but not by me 'VM': Validated by me 'U': Not classified other: direct equality comparison with DB value | [optional] |
map_n | str | If all 4 are set (MapN, MapW, MapE, MapS), include objects inside the defined bounding rectangle. | [optional] |
map_w | str | If all 4 are set (MapN, MapW, MapE, MapS), include objects inside the defined bounding rectangle. | [optional] |
map_e | str | If all 4 are set (MapN, MapW, MapE, MapS), include objects inside the defined bounding rectangle. | [optional] |
map_s | str | If all 4 are set (MapN, MapW, MapE, MapS), include objects inside the defined bounding rectangle. | [optional] |
depthmin | str | Positive values. If both are set (depthmin, depthmax), include objects for which both depths (min and max) are inside the range. | [optional] |
depthmax | str | Positive values. If both are set (depthmin, depthmax), include objects for which both depths (min and max) are inside the range. | [optional] |
samples | str | Coma-separated list of sample IDs, include only objects for these samples. | [optional] |
instrum | str | Instrument name, include objects for which sampling was done using this instrument. | [optional] |
daytime | str | Coma-separated list of sun position values: D for Day, U for Dusk, N for Night, A for Dawn (Aube in French). | [optional] |
month | str | Coma-separated list of month numbers, 1=Jan and so on. | [optional] |
fromdate | str | Format is 'YYYY-MM-DD', include objects collected after this date. | [optional] |
todate | str | Format is 'YYYY-MM-DD', include objects collected before this date. | [optional] |
fromtime | str | Format is 'HH24:MM:SS', include objects collected after this time of day. | [optional] |
totime | str | Format is 'HH24:MM:SS', include objects collected before this time of day. | [optional] |
inverttime | str | If '1', include objects outside fromtime and totime range. | [optional] |
validfromdate | str | Format is 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI', include objects validated/set to dubious after this date+time. | [optional] |
validtodate | str | Format is 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI', include objects validated/set to dubious before this date+time. | [optional] |
freenum | str | Numerical DB column number in Object as basis for the 2 following criteria (freenumst, freenumend). | [optional] |
freenumst | str | Start of included range for the column defined by freenum, in which objects are included. | [optional] |
freenumend | str | End of included range for the column defined by freenum, in which objects are included. | [optional] |
freetxt | str | Textual DB column number as basis for following criteria (freetxtval) If starts with 's' then it's a text column in Sample If starts with 'a' then it's a text column in Acquisition If starts with 'p' then it's a text column in Process If starts with 'o' then it's a text column in Object . | [optional] |
freetxtval | str | Text to match in the column defined by freetxt, for an object to be include. | [optional] |
filt_annot | str | Coma-separated list of annotators, i.e. persons who validated the classification at any point in time. | [optional] |
filt_last_annot | str | Coma-separated list of annotators, i.e. persons who validated the classification in last. | [optional] |
from ecotaxa_py_client.models.project_filters import ProjectFilters
# TODO update the JSON string below
json = "{}"
# create an instance of ProjectFilters from a JSON string
project_filters_instance = ProjectFilters.from_json(json)
# print the JSON string representation of the object
# convert the object into a dict
project_filters_dict = project_filters_instance.to_dict()
# create an instance of ProjectFilters from a dict
project_filters_form_dict = project_filters.from_dict(project_filters_dict)