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Pull Request Guidelines

Eduardo Gómez edited this page Apr 15, 2020 · 2 revisions

A Pull Request (PR) is the step where you submit patches to this repository. Once you've worked on a feature or a bug, it's then time to send a PR. Make sure to follow these steps along the way to make sure your patch lands as soon as possible!

Only touch relevant files

Make sure your PR stays focused on a single feature. Don't change any files unrelated to the subject you're working. Open a single PR for each subject.

Please make sure to not commit built files (assets/css, assets/js, assets/fonts) unlesss you've made changes in the source version of those files.

Make sure your code is clean

Remove any debugging lines (debuggers, console.log) and please add a new empty line at the end of every new file.

Keep your commit history short and clean

Keeping the history clean means making one commit per feature. It also means squashing every fix you make on your branch.

Be descriptive

Write a convincing description of your PR and why we should land it.