Stop plotting your data - annotate your data and let it visualize itself.
HoloViews requires Param and Numpy and is designed to work together with Matplotlib or Bokeh, making use of the Jupyter/IPython Notebook.
Clone holoviews directly from GitHub with:
git clone git://
Please visit our website for official releases, installation instructions, documentation, and many detailed example notebooks and tutorials. Additional user contributed notebooks may be found in the holoviews-contrib repository including examples that may be run live on
For general discussion, we have a gitter channel. In addition we have a wiki page describing current work-in-progress and experimental features. If you find any bugs or have any feature suggestions please file a GitHub Issue or submit a pull request.
- Lets you build data structures that both contain and visualize your data.
- Includes a rich library of composable elements that can be overlaid, nested and positioned with ease.
- Supports rapid data exploration that naturally develops into a fully reproducible workflow.
- You can create complex animated or interactive visualizations with minimal code.
- Rich semantics for indexing and slicing of data in arbitrarily high-dimensional spaces.
- Every parameter of every object includes easy-to-access documentation.
- All features available in vanilla Python 2 or 3, with minimal dependencies.
Support for maintainable, reproducible research
- Supports a truly reproducible workflow by minimizing the code needed for analysis and visualization.
- Already used in a variety of research projects, from conception to final publication.
- All HoloViews objects can be pickled and unpickled.
- Provides comparison utilities for testing, so you know when your results have changed and why.
- Core data structures only depend on the numpy and param libraries.
- Provides export and archival facilities for keeping track of your work throughout the lifetime of a project.
Analysis and data access features
- Allows you to annotate your data with dimensions, units, labels and data ranges.
- Easily slice and access regions of your data, no matter how high the dimensionality.
- Apply any suitable function to collapse your data or reduce dimensionality.
- Helpful textual representation to inform you how every level of your data may be accessed.
- Includes small library of common operations for any scientific or engineering data.
- Highly extensible: add new operations to easily apply the data transformations you need.
Visualization features
- Useful default settings make it easy to inspect data, with minimal code.
- Powerful normalization system to make understanding your data across plots easy.
- Build complex animations or interactive visualizations in seconds instead of hours or days.
- Refine the visualization of your data interactively and incrementally.
- Separation of concerns: all visualization settings are kept separate from your data objects.
- Support for interactive tooltips/panning/zooming, via the optional mpld3 backend.
IPython Notebook support
- Support for both IPython 2 and 3.
- Automatic tab-completion everywhere.
- Exportable sliders and scrubber widgets.
- Automatic display of animated formats in the notebook or for export, including gif, webm, and mp4.
- Useful IPython magics for configuring global display options and for customizing objects.
- Automatic archival and export of notebooks, including extracting figures as SVG, generating a static HTML copy of your results for reference, and storing your optional metadata like version control information.
Integration with third-party libraries
- Flexible interface to both the pandas and Seaborn libraries
- Immediately visualize pandas data as any HoloViews object.
- Seamlessly combine and animate your Seaborn plots in HoloViews rich, compositional data-structures.