Require the vsavritsky/morpherbundle
in your composer.json and update your dependencies.
composer require vsavritsky/morpherbundle
"require": {
"vsavritsky/morpherbundle": "dev-master"
Add the AnchovyCURLBundle and VsavritskyMorpherBundle to your application's kernel:
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Anchovy\CURLBundle\AnchovyCURLBundle(),
new Vsavritsky\MorpherBundle\VsavritskyMorpherBundle(),
add parameters access to parameters.yml:
vsavritsky_morpher.access.username: username
vsavritsky_morpher.access.pass: pass
update db: app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
// Simple call:
use Vsavritsky\MorpherBundle\Entity\RequestFacade;
public function indexAction() {
$morpher = $this->get('vsavritsky_morpher.request');
$plural = true;
$result = $morpher->inflect('Тест', RequestFacade::CASE_ROD, 'Дефолтное значение', $plural);
echo '<pre>';
print_r($result); exit();
`const CASE_ROD = 'Р';`
`const CASE_DAT = 'Д';`
`const CASE_VIN = 'В';`
`const CASE_TVOR = 'Т';`
`const CASE_PREDL = 'П';`
`const CASE_GDE = 'М';`
result: 'Тесту'