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The below guidelines will explain how to build and install the operator on a remote cluster.


  • go version v1.17+
  • operator SDK v1.9.0+
  • opm v1.12.5+
  • yq
  • docker
  • quay credentials
  • Add your valid quay pull-secret.yaml file in hack/prereqs/pull-secret.yaml

Declare Required Variables


It is also recommended to set a unique version label


Install Options

There are 4 ways to install the operator:

1. Run as a Deployment inside the cluster

make prereqs manifests update-manifest update-crds subscriptions docker-build docker-push deploy


make full-dev-install

This will

  1. Apply necessary prereqs. (Namespace, operatorgroup)
  2. Update manifests via kubebuilder
  3. Updates CRDs and retrieves latest image manifests
  4. Applies community operator subscriptions for Hive, AppSub, and ClusterManager
  5. Builds and pushes MCH Operator dev image
  6. Deploys operator via kustomize from config/manager

2. Run locally outside the cluster

This method is preferred during development cycle to deploy and test faster. LeaderElectionNamespace line in main.go must be uncommented. POD_NAMESPACE must be set.

make run

This will

  1. Run the go application from main.go directly against targetting cluster

3. Build and deploy catalog image to deploy operator via subscription

OLM will manage creation of most resources required to run the operator. This method builds and pushes an actual index image.

make manifests generate bundle bundle-build bundle-push catalog-build catalog-push prereqs subscriptions catalog


make full-catalog-install

This will

  1. Update manifests via kubebuilder
  2. Bundle the operator
  3. Build and push the bundle image
  4. Build and push the catalog image
  5. Apply prereqs (Namespace, operatorgroup)
  6. Applies community operator subscriptions for Hive, AppSub, and ClusterManager
  7. Deploys Operator by deploying Catalogsource and subscription

Deploy MultiClusterHub instance

Once the operator is installed in the cluster, initiate an installation by creating an instance of MultiClusterHub. To create a default instance of MultiClusterHub:

make cr

To customize the instance, first modify the spec in config/samples/operator_v1_multiclusterhub.yaml.


Delete multiclusterhub instance if it exists

kubectl delete mch --all

Clean up the operator and its resources:

make undeploy

If not all resources are properly cleaned up, follow the uninstall instructions at to manually clean up remaining resources.