In this exercise you will learn how to persist the filesystem state of your containers using dynamic volume provisioning.
- How to attach a volume to container in a pod
- How to use dynamic volume provisioning to create persistent block storage to save the state of your applications
- How to create PersistentVolumes and use them with PersistentVolumeClaims
Kubernetes, a persistent volume claim (PVC) is a request for storage by a user. It is a way for a pod to request a specific amount of storage from the cluster. When a PVC is created, it is automatically bound to a persistant volume (PV) that satisfies the PVC's requirements.
A storage class (SC) is a way to define the properties of a PV. It is a blueprint for creating PVs, and it specifies things like the type of storage, the amount of storage, and the access modes for the PV. The cluster then uses the storage class to find or create a PV that matches the PVC's requirements.
In summary:
- PVs are the actual storage resources in the cluster
- PVCs are requests for storage made by users
- SCs are the specifications for creating PVs.
- Observe that the state of the postgres database is not persisted between pod lifecycles
- Inspect the Available StorageClasses (sc) of the cluster
- Create a PersistentVolume (pv) using dynamic volume provisioning
- Consume the PersistentVolume using a PersistentVolumeClaim (pvc) and mounting the volume to a pod
- Delete pod with volume attached and observe that state is persisted when a new pod is created
Step by step:
Deploy the manifests located in persistent-storage/start
💡 If you have resources already deployed from a previous exercise, you might want to clean them up first.
- Open the frontend webpage in your browser.
- Observe that the frontend reports that it is connected to the database.
- Add some quotes. We will need them later to test persistency
- Retrieve all of the quotes, observe that your quotes are part of the retrieved quotes.
- Now delete the postgres pod using
kubectl delete pod <pod-name>
- In the frontend webpage, retrieve quotes, and observe that you now only get the default 5 quotes from the database.
What we have observed here is that the state of our database is not persisted between pod lifecycles!
In order to fix this, we need to persist the filesystem state of our database container to a volume
Use kubectl
to get the available StorageClasses
in the cluster, the shortname for StorageClass
is sc
kubectl get StorageClasses
Expected output:
gp2 (default) Delete WaitForFirstConsumer false 54m
We see that we indeed have a StorageClass
available and ready for use!
💡 What do the columns mean?
The output of the kubectl get sc
command provides some useful information about the StorageClass:
what is the underlying storage provider, in this caseAWS EBS
(Elastic Block Storage)RECLAIMPOLICY
what will happen with the volume when thePersistentVolume
resource is deleted, in this caseDelete
will delete the block storage.VOLUMEBINDINGMODE
specifies how to provision the actual volume,WaitForFirstConsumer
will provision the actual volume object once there is a matching claim.ALLOWVOLUMEEXPANSION
defines whether a volume can be expanded in size at a later point in time.
Let's create a PersistentVolume
While we could create a manifest for a PersistentVolume
manually we will not do that in this exercise.
In practice we will almost always create a PersistentVolume
by creating PersistentVolumeClaim
which uses a StorageClass
to create the actual volume.
Create a new file persistent-storage/start/postgres-pvc.yaml
Copy and paste the below boilerplate yaml to the new file:
Next we fill in the values:
- The
should bev1
- The
- The
should bepostgres-pvc
- From the previous section we know that we have one available
, so the value ofspec.storageClassName
is the name of that, in this case"gp2"
(with quotes) - The
list should contain one item with the valueReadWriteOnce
- the
is the size of the volume in Gibibytes (Gi), set it to5Gi
The finished manifest should look like this
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: postgres-pvc
storageClassName: "gp2"
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 5Gi
Apply your new PersistenVolumeClaim
with kubectl apply
kubectl apply -f persistent-storage/start/postgres-pvc.yaml
Expected output:
persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-pvc created
Check that the PersistenVolumeClaim
was created using kubectl get
kubectl get persistentvolumeclaim
Expected output:
postgres-pvc Pending gp2 3m19s
Check if a PersistentVolume
was created using kubectl get
kubectl get persistentvolume
Expected output
No resources found
objects arecluster-wide
, ie. "not-namespaced", so you might seePersistentVolumes
belonging to other users.
We expect that a PersistentVolume has not been created yet.
As we can see in the kubectl get persistentvolumeclaim
output above, our PersistenVolumeClaim
is in the Pending
This is because the VOLUMEBINDINGMODE
of the StorageClass is set to WaitForFirstConsumer
, as we
saw in the previous section.
will not create the actual volume object until it is used by a pod.
💡 The reason you might not want to not always create volumes as soon as
objects are created is to reduce costs, by not creating resources that are not used before they are attached to a pod.
Let's attach the PersistenVolumeClaim to our postgres pod!
Open the postgres deployment manifest in your text editor persistent-storage/start/postgres-deployment.yaml
In the spec.template.spec
add the following section:
- name:
Add the values to the snippet:
is the name we will reference when we mount the volume to a container in a moment. Set it topostgres-pvc
is thename
of thePersistenVolumeClaim
we have created above, set it to the name you used, e.g.postgres-pvc
💡 In this case the volume name and reference to the
name are the same, this is coincidental, and they can be different.
How the finished manifest should look
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
- name: postgres-pvc # name we can reference below in container
claimName: postgres-pvc # name of the actual pvc
Next we mount the volume we have defined to the postgres container:
In the deployment manifest file, add the following section to the postgres container spec, e.g. spec.template.spec.containers[0].volumeMounts
- name:
Fill in the values:
should be the name we specified above when we declared the available volumes. In this case this should bepostgres-pvc
is the path in container to mount the volume to. For postgres, the database state is stored to the path/var/lib/postgresql/data
should bepostgres
, and specifies a directory to be created within the volume, we need this because of a quirk with combiningAWS EBS
with Postgres. (If you are curios why:
The finished manifest should look like this
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
- name: postgres-pvc # name we can reference below in container
claimName: postgres-pvc # name of the actual pvc
- image:
name: postgres
- name: postgres-pvc
mountPath: /var/lib/postgresql/data
subPath: postgres
Apply the changes to the postgres deployment using kubectl apply
kubectl apply -f persistent-storage/start/postgres-deployment
Expected output:
deployment.apps/postgres configured
Observe that the PersistentVolume
is now created:
kubectl get persistentvolumeclaims,persistentvolumes
Expected output:
persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-pvc Bound pvc-60e5235b-e2bb-4d71-9136-3901ca4dece9 5Gi RWO gp2 <unset> 3m55s
persistentvolume/pvc-00e46d16-c3a8-4b4c-8ccd-aaef24970f01 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-7 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-016b6e52-0dd5-4285-be5e-684128d0d2a1 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-56 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-02a003e1-2e97-410c-9499-ffe1ae982713 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-60 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-02d94c4e-556e-4f18-b3cf-dce6aa866016 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-59 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-045d9e12-3666-4666-9c47-011066cf4ab7 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-39 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-0aa311ea-7ec6-466b-ad6f-e78ac4bdca48 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-73 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-11f71f9c-a63f-4af7-a0ca-b970f0e119c0 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-45 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-1251ec6e-bd77-44b7-b718-98a1f2f1451c 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-64 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-1543a4ec-2565-43e9-b343-8d4c48468475 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-11 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-15683509-945a-42a3-a37b-7a5a6e967439 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-65 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-15a06ade-2da8-421a-99d3-2069e2b6c196 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-76 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-16c167ad-1933-4bdf-a93f-ec4f18267d90 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-42 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-1a19f657-9057-4e7a-ad79-12a02d374f82 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-17 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-1e302766-f772-44fa-85e6-b920c436897a 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-0 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-1e697605-f0aa-42ee-b30e-d53dfd6caa2b 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-20 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-1fff9f26-6be9-4c17-accf-88a00207cbcd 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-34 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-22470c21-2fca-42c4-9e1c-a06be4ddf7ad 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-53 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-24ea8c05-8bdb-485b-8541-3eb67d2de012 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-4 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-2a99943d-b33a-4e70-bedf-c76a4470dde1 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-84 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-2cb0beda-b70a-4801-b1b2-2cb05d851837 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-62 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-2ee41664-c2f7-46ac-a509-23dd905fb548 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-24 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-3068b592-6f5c-40af-8f66-2f954e591bcf 5Gi RWO Delete Bound student-76/postgres-pvc gp2 <unset> 5m53s
persistentvolume/pvc-33c97802-67b5-483b-a8e8-d80884ec1196 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-29 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-3535a091-be7f-449b-8989-d148b70852d7 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-67 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-3792c72a-695a-4d68-9027-180963099f30 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-46 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-39ffeb2e-e62f-4dbe-8e2f-62a508467ed8 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-48 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-3b89ae32-81b0-44eb-bc21-bd836f573bf3 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-63 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-3ceef6f6-e4cc-4d5a-b03d-47b2bba6790f 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-55 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-3d8a2aad-22f2-4695-a386-90319679bc01 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-70 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-3f19b19a-19f3-4bcd-be6f-4e91d7259ee9 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-2 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-41c1411b-f01f-4f6e-872b-3cf15243b59e 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-41 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-42be04f9-d366-4422-8362-10b94e8a637a 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-21 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-4ef28400-5fe4-414f-bde4-4ad7bf85f67f 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-68 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-503543a6-2605-4774-852a-b5a113cc53f5 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-15 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-50391d8c-aecb-4846-bfa3-d7fef0d3b2fd 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-52 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-574f3e6a-d7fd-4aad-a883-060b3a96d020 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-50 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-5a245381-a2bc-4eb5-ba57-2da4c3b369c8 5Gi RWO Delete Bound default/postgres-pvc gp2 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-5b78be48-effc-43a7-b97d-315647117934 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-25 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-5cfac69b-2987-41e9-a31d-64977c114be6 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-23 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-60a6bab6-d141-46c5-a5d9-ce4180cb0a67 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-57 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-60e5235b-e2bb-4d71-9136-3901ca4dece9 5Gi RWO Delete Bound student-19/postgres-pvc gp2 <unset> 14s
persistentvolume/pvc-626158a5-6acc-41f3-a2f4-7d613dd426dd 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-79 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-6499594c-af86-4b63-bc01-5f5c886db94b 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-78 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-66056829-2e5d-49eb-be99-119ee33aa3cd 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-27 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-68780327-7dff-473b-91db-0da48068cc97 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-51 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-69cbb582-0cfc-4032-ac2c-2a762f0541eb 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-82 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-69ff0d85-7707-4707-93cd-25282c7b51aa 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-6 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-6d3194e3-43ff-4cc4-9768-37eee336e0ca 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-83 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-70a366a2-8e74-42ba-bf65-60c329426df5 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-32 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-70bd719a-5568-40cd-8887-6ca16a1cd033 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-22 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-70e1d13b-652d-4d00-aa61-f25ed9ec5c6c 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-10 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-790e4b48-75ab-4134-b5a0-215777ab5535 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-61 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-7b82b1c3-d2d6-4ffd-81f2-13083748db22 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-12 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-7fb97a98-ed1c-4f31-9b3f-6f8da86935c7 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-26 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-843bef94-9aa5-42ee-a1be-8719ae3cec3b 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-69 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-86454318-e4dd-4d89-bdfe-edc40a61f45d 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-81 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-86ddae43-4633-486d-8820-fd49a96d22fc 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-31 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-8851181b-bfb5-4543-8068-70f86b3add26 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-8 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-8b28aff0-a45b-404e-9184-d8589816eb09 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-9 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-8ee4147a-8fdf-4829-a82d-c9a645a89474 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-3 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-90832763-265b-4cd0-b59b-55aec86c71ef 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-35 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-923fdb6b-327c-4095-9396-b5b7bec34892 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-18 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-924a9572-6257-406b-ba40-37b952128cbb 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-71 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-93047b15-80e2-4dc1-8764-3c6ce9eea314 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-72 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-9451c373-d40a-4556-83d7-7172071580f7 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-36 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-9454a68d-153a-4d80-a170-0bb45d61dce6 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-44 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-94ede42f-75cc-45d6-9f84-63b5f9c4978e 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-54 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-9b24acf2-80c1-4b05-add5-753d268513ab 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-1 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-9cf3f0c5-935b-4a9a-bd60-7eacdfeb186a 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-16 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-a5f6d728-026d-48f9-b7ef-c7e49eea3199 5Gi RWO Delete Bound student-44/postgres-pvc gp2 <unset> 9s
persistentvolume/pvc-aa995fa4-7c0b-4bd4-bf67-7745f739b6b4 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-47 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-abf09c27-03e0-4b6a-8454-48e435f71f6e 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-19 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-af5efa42-db08-416d-af61-e92354570d52 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-43 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-b0cee09a-bfa3-4a29-98f6-3471b926de65 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-14 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-baa0a4bf-8057-4490-8015-cd162356f931 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-37 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-be655c26-365e-47e5-9cf6-73feace5731b 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-58 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-c206e055-8fd9-47b2-bcbf-a5781e5d4b12 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-38 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-c242d1d4-3448-4b26-8f15-972215653f21 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-13 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-d46e9612-5eb2-4851-a4e6-c075e216172e 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-5 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-d7fe5335-fb15-4e76-af5d-73cc44149a34 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-77 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-d9eae565-f372-47ed-8df4-d4e493e0d9d6 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-74 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-dd509e0c-208a-44b1-b0bd-a950fa3f05fa 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-75 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-dfe846e0-2a66-4680-8884-f12e93a8097f 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-28 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-e30a23fe-55de-4d8e-9f88-a2ae0c983db8 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-40 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-e30cbac1-00e3-4d2a-a4c8-d7bf67069592 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-66 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-e37b322a-1a60-48ce-ab7c-f110989801e7 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-30 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-e3d0e01b-09c4-4ebf-b150-e2ef72ec7d46 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-49 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-e85c0f94-e1d3-4234-9eb8-19541fa9d38f 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-33 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-f2ad2087-120d-417b-aa53-26b0fe41d416 5Gi RWO Delete Bound student-0/postgres-pvc gp2 <unset> 6h17m
persistentvolume/pvc-fa0dca95-bf4a-437b-9112-ad6b5ec7dacd 25Gi RWO Delete Bound code-server-workstations/coder-home-workstation-80 gp3 <unset> 8d
persistentvolume/pvc-fc17f2e1-c7bc-4a43-8e3d-956dbedb0e97 8Gi RWO Delete Bound monitoring/prometheus-server gp2 <unset> 8d
Now that the state of our postgres database is persisted to the volume, let's verify:
- Open the frontend webpage and add some quotes
- Retrieve quotes from the database, and observe that your quotes are among them
- Delete the database pod with
kubectl delete pod <postgres-pod-name>
- Wait for the postgres pod to be recreated (you can watch for pod changes with
kubectl get pods --watch
) - In the frontend webpage, retrieve quotes and obeserve that your quotes are among them
Delete all resources created using kubectl delete -f <manifest-files>
kubectl delete -f persistent-storage/start