:dfn:`ODK Briefcase` is a Java application for fetching and pushing forms and their contents. It can be used to gather and aggregate data from ODK Collect when there is no internet connectivity or you don't want to set up an ODK Aggregate Server.
- :ref:`pull blank forms and finalized forms from ODK Collect <pull-from-collect>` or :ref:`from ODK Aggregate <pull-from-aggregate>` into a local ODK Briefcase Storage location.
- :ref:`push blank forms and finalized forms <push-to-aggregate>` (submissions) from the ODK Briefcase Storage location up to an ODK Aggregate 1.0 instance.
- :ref:`export <export-forms>` the finalized forms to a CSV file for processing by other applications.
- :ref:`command line interface <cli-use>` in v1.4.4 and later.