On a Linux machine with debootstrap
installed, do
# Set up the build environment
# Build nestedvm, the mips toolchain, and thriftc
sudo chroot thriftc-build-jail bash -c 'cd /usr/src/thriftc && make'
# Compile the mips binary to Java, then package it in a jar
THRIFTC_TMP="$(mktemp -d)"
mkdir -p "${THRIFTC_PATH}"
java -cp thriftc-build-jail/usr/src/nestedvm/nestedvm.jar \
org.ibex.nestedvm.Compiler \
-o unixRuntime,lessConstants,maxInsnPerMethod=256 \
-outfile "${THRIFTC_PATH}/Thriftc.class" \
com.nsegment.thrift.Thriftc \
jar cvf ../repo/com/nsegment/thrift/thriftc-executable/0.0.2/thriftc-executable-0.0.2.jar -C "${THRIFTC_TMP}" .
# Copy the nestedvm Unix runtime into the project repo
cp thriftc-build-jail/usr/src/nestedvm/unix_runtime.jar ../repo/org/ibex/nestedvm/nestedvm-unix-runtime/0.0.2/nestedvm-unix-runtime-0.0.2.jar
# To improve performance...
java -jar lib/proguard.jar -target 6 -dontobfuscate -injars thriftc-executable-0.0.2.jar -outjars foo2.jar -dontwarn -keep 'public class com.nsegment.thrift.Thriftc { public static void main(java.lang.String[]); }' -dontshrink -dontoptimize
# There's also an optimization where thriftc is built to support only one platform