Kinematics(Double_t enEleBeam, Double_t enIonBeam, Double_t crossAng);
- requires beam energies and crossing angle, set by
(at the macro level) - sets the following hard-coded settings:
: the Lorentz frame in which calculations are performed, when there is ambiguity which frame to use- in general, we try to use Lorentz invariant formulas where possible
- for frame-dependent formulas, we have these options (defined as
):- lab frame
- head-on frame (default)
: how to obtain the virtual photon 4-momentum components, for some of the reconstruction methods (e.g., JB, DA)- see
auxiliary methods below for details - options:
- quadratic (default)
- hadronic
- electronic
- see
- sets beam momenta and boosts
- sets other miscellaneous variables, such as default spin and polarization
For each event, to prepare an instance of Kinematics
calculations, set the following:
: scattered electron 4-momentumvecEleBeam
: beam 4-momenta (if taking into account beam effects (generator level))- Hadronic Final State (HFS)
- for Delphes, call
for reconstructed orGetTrueHFS
for generated; both require several objects (see code)- note:
for smeared PID
- note:
- for DD4hep/Juggler, use
in particle loop, then at the end callSubtractElectronFromHFS
to omit the scattered electron- don't forget to call
- don't forget to call
- HFS variables
, andPyh
, are needed for reconstruction methods that require the HFS
- for Delphes, call
For each hadron, set vecHadron
, the hadron 4-momentum
- note that
should be called beforehand
Currently implemented in AnalysisDelphes
- call
, which does the work - added flags to choose jet algorithm, jet radius, and minimum jet pT
- alternatively, call
(requires Centauro)
Bool_t CalculateDIS(TString recmethod);
This is the main method for calculating the DIS kinematics
- boosts beams to head-on frame (used only as needed)
- calls
to do the calculations according torecmethod
, which specifies the reconstruction method; this choice is set byAnalysis
(at the macro level); see below- required inputs depend on choice of reconstruction method (see below)
- calculated quantities:
- Q2
- x
- y
- W
- Nu
- virtual photon 4-momentum
- 4-momentum for W (
- calculate additional boosts
- C.O.M. frame of virtual photon and ion
- ion rest frame
- calculate depolarization factors (and epsilon and gamma)
One of the following methods will be called by CalculateDIS
void CalculateDISbyElectron();
- Electron method
- requires electron 4-momentum
- calls auxiliary method
to obtainvecQ
, W, and Nu - calculates Q2, x, y
void CalculateDISbyJB();
- Jacquet-Blondel method
- requires HFS variables
- also requires electron 4-momentum, if using
- also requires electron 4-momentum, if using
- calculates y, Q2, and x; the calculation of y depends on
since it involves the electron beam momentum - calculates vecQ, vecW, W, and Nu, depending on
void CalculateDISbyDA();
- Double Angle method
- requires HFS variables and electron 4-momentum
- calculates Q2, x, and y, which depend on
- calculates vecQ, vecW, W, and Nu, depending on
void CalculateDISbyMixed();
- Mixed Variables method
- requires HFS variables and electron 4-momentum
- calculates vecQ, vecW, W, and Nu, using
- calculate Q2
- calculate y and x, which depend on
, since they require the electron beam momentum
void CalculateDISbySigma();
- Sigma method
- requires HFS variables and electron 4-momentum
- calculates y, Q2, and x, which depend on
, since they require the scattered electron momentum - calculates vecQ, vecW, W, and Nu, depending on
void CalculateDISbyeSigma();
- eSigma method
- first calls
- calculate
using scattered electron, followed by Q2 - uses x from the Sigma method
- calculates y from this Q2 and x
- finally, calculates vecQ, vecW, W, and Nu, depending on
- These methods calculate vecQ, vecW, W, and Nu; one of these will be
called from
methods, depending on the choice ofqComponentsMethod
void GetQWNu_electronic();
- requires electron momentum
- calculates 4-momenta vecQ and vecW by subtracting the scattered electron momenta from beam momenta
- calculates W and Nu
void GetQWNu_hadronic();
- requires HFS
- calculates vecQ and vecW by the HFS 4-momentum and subtracting the ion beam (for vecQ)
- calculates W and Nu
void GetQWNu_quadratic();
- requires HFS, along with Q2 and y
- solves quadratic equation for vecQ, vecW, W and Nu
void CalculateHadronKinematics();
- requires DIS kinematics and
- calculates:
- z
- mX (missing mass)
- xF
- phiH
- phiS (requires spin-up reference, set in constructor)
- pT
- qT
void CalculateJetKinematics(fastjet::PseudoJet jet);
void CalculateBreitJetKinematics(fastjet::PseudoJet jet);
- requires Jets (from
) - calculates:
- qTjet
- pTjet
- zjet
- jperp
- ...
void CalculateJetResolution(fastjet::PseudoJet jet);
- requires that GetJets and CalculateJetKinematics has run
- for the input reconstructed jet, find the closest truth level jet
- pass the kinematics of the matched truth level jet
Several boost methods are available. For all of these, the first
parameter is copied to a new TLorentzVector
; this
copy is then boosted, and passed by reference as the second
// boost from Lab frame Lvec to photon+ion C.o.m. frame Cvec
void BoostToComFrame(TLorentzVector Lvec, TLorentzVector &Cvec);
// boost from Lab frame Lvec to Ion rest frame Ivec
void BoostToIonFrame(TLorentzVector Lvec, TLorentzVector &Ivec);
// boost from Lab frame Lvec to ion+electron Beam c.o.m. frame Bvec
void BoostToBeamComFrame(TLorentzVector Lvec, TLorentzVector &Bvec);
// tranform from Lab frame Lvec to Head-on frame Hvec
void TransformToHeadOnFrame(TLorentzVector Lvec, TLorentzVector &Hvec);
// transform from Head-on frame Hvec back to Lab frame Lvec
void TransformBackToLabFrame(TLorentzVector Hvec, TLorentzVector &Lvec);
// tests and validation
void ValidateHeadOnFrame(); // test head-on frame boost
// convert energy,mass to momentum
static Double_t EMtoP(Double_t energy, Double_t mass);
// vector projection: returns vA projected onto vB
static TVector3 Project(TVector3 vA, TVector3 vB);
// vector rejection: returns vC projected onto plane transverse to vD
static TVector3 Reject(TVector3 vC, TVector3 vD);
// calculate angle between two planes, spanned by vectors (e.g., phiH)
static Double_t PlaneAngle(TVector3 vA, TVector3 vB, TVector3 vC, TVector3 vD);
// shift angle to the range [-PI,+PI]
static Double_t AdjAngle(Double_t ang);
// particle masses
static Double_t ElectronMass() { return 0.000511; };
static Double_t ProtonMass() { return 0.938272; };
static Double_t KaonMass() { return 0.493677; };
static Double_t PionMass() { return 0.139570; };
Most of these variables are public
to allow for easy access
- many calculator methods will modify / determine them; because of this, you need to understand which calculations calculate what, and what variables each calculation depends on
- be careful not to 'accidentally' modify them!
// DIS
Double_t W, Q2, Nu, x, y, s;
// Single-hadron SIDIS
Double_t pLab, pTlab, phiLab, etaLab, z, pT, qT, mX, xF, phiH, phiS;
// HFS variables
Double_t sigmah, Pxh, Pyh;
TLorentzVector hadronSumVec;
// depolarization
Double_t gamma,epsilon;
// - factors A,B,C,V,W from [hep-ph/0611265] using notation from [1408.5721]
Double_t depolA, depolB, depolC, depolV, depolW;
// - ratios of factors, following notation of [1807.10606] eq. 2.3 (cf. eqs. 2.2a,b)
Double_t depolP1; // for A_UT*sin(phiH+phiS) (collins), A_UT*sin(3phiH-phiS) (pretzelosity)
Double_t depolP2; // for A_LL*const
Double_t depolP3; // for twist-3 A_UT
Double_t depolP4; // for A_LL*cos(phiH)
// lab-frame 4-vectors for beams, electron, hadron
TLorentzVector vecEleBeam, vecIonBeam;
TLorentzVector vecElectron, vecW, vecQ;
TLorentzVector vecHadron;
// jet objects
int jetAlgo;
double jetRad, jetMinPt;
std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> jetsRec, jetsTrue;
std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> breitJetsRec, breitJetsTrue;
std::map<double, int> jetConstituents;
fastjet::ClusterSequence csRec;
fastjet::ClusterSequence csTrue;
// jet variables
Double_t zjet, pTjet, qTjet, mTjet, etajet, phijet, mjet, ejet;
Double_t deltaRjet;
int matchStatusjet;
Double_t pTmtjet, mTmtjet, etamtjet, phimtjet, mmtjet, emtjet;
std::vector<double> jperp;
std::vector<double> zhad_jet;
Double_t quarkpT; // struck quark information
Constants, set in constructor (they are not actually const
, just
generally treated as such):
// nucleon transverse spin; if you set this externally,
// it must be done before calculating phiS
Int_t tSpin; // should be +1 or -1
Int_t lSpin; // should be +1 or -1
// beam polarization
Double_t polT;
Double_t polL;
Double_t polBeam;