Releases: ekristen/aws-nuke
Releases · ekristen/aws-nuke
3.25.0 (2024-10-02)
Bug Fixes
- dms-certificate: use correct delete function (45fb8b8)
- api-gateway-api-key: support properties (96210d8)
- cloudwatchevents-rule: add pagination support (aee3915)
- dms-certificate: add properties (2e3e61f)
- eks-fargate-profile: tag support (8b95ddd)
- iam-role-policy: filter out sso managed policies (dbbe474)
- iam-role: allow removal of service-linked roles (8de889a)
- mgn-source-server: disconnect before delete (3fefccd)
- redshift-snapshot-schedule: add tags (b773199)
- resource: add CodeGuru Reviewer RepositoryAssociation support (ed78a91)
- resource: add Polly Lexicon resource support (9c9110c)
- resource: add redshift snapshot schedule (24b5532)
- resource: add support for codebuild build batches (e3da62b)
- resource: add support for codebuild builds (8b6eb02)
- resource: add support for codebuild source credentials (31f48b2)
- resource: add TranscribeCallAnalyticsCategory resource (166c4a8)
- resource: add TranscribeCallAnalyticsJob resource (cce91f8)
- resource: add TranscribeLanguageModel resource (1e0c523)
- resource: add TranscribeMedicalTranscriptionJob resource (e680d44)
- resource: add TranscribeMedicalVocabulary resource (9880189)
- resource: add TranscribeTranscriptionJob resource (115a3b0)
- resource: add TranscribeVocabulary resource (47c15cb)
- resource: add TranscribeVocabularyFilter resource (d2246d2)
- resource: adding codepipeline support for custom action types and webhooks (38a46bf)
- resource: adding rekognition project and dataset support (a13232a)
- resource: adding support for codedeploy deployment configs and groups (bca0505)
- run: pass account id and logger in lister opts (2865e15)
3.24.0 (2024-09-27)
- gamelift-build: add properties (58498aa)
- gamelift-fleet: add properties and pagination support (716b15b)
- gamelift-mm-config: add properties and pagination (14db660)
- gamelift-mm-rule: add properties and pagination (93e7720)
- gamelift-queue: add properties and pagination (69336ce)
- pinpoint-app: add pagination support (9b7ff60)
- pinpoint-app: adding properties (d98fa97)
- pinpoint-phone-number: add pagination and properties (570177f)
- resource: add Pinpoint Apps and Phone Numbers support (11d0bec)
- resource: add support for AWS GameLift builds, fleets, queues, mm configs and mm rule sets (2d352b9)
3.23.0 (2024-09-26)
Bug Fixes
- change AWSBackupReportPlan to BackupReportPlan (11c9922)
- deps: update to [email protected] (cfa813b)
- ec2-tgw-connect-peer: refactor for libnuke, add additional properties (1e202fc)
- ecs-capacity-provider: don't attempt to remove reserved capacity providers (95f5be7)
- golangci-lint (61513d4)
- set ARN as property, make String() return Name (41f0ab6)
- wafv2: better api key properties (5de28a7)
- add support for backup-report-plan (e5d692e)
- add support for ec2 tgw connect peers (ae37cf9)
- cognito-userpool: support disable deletion protection (3f51bc6)
- config: add support for custom alias block keywords (e9d703c)
- config: support disabling default alias blocklist terms (6f5dd85)
- ec2-tgw-connect-peer: add properties function (5533684)
- ecs-capacity-provider: adding properties with refactor to libnuke resource format (ca82c3a)
- iam-policy: add CreateDate property (a269870)
- iam-user: add new properties (b225042)
- quicksight-user: additional properties (ac4c783)
- quicksight: support deleting quicksight users (5e872c6)
- resource: add support for ECS capacity providers (088fbc3)
- wafv2: captcha integration api key nuking (6900185)