- Front-end to avoid writing full-on server logic and routes etc for the single player game
- react
- redux to keep state
- simple rack application, no need for even sinatra or the like
- Game algorithm (minimax) to be implemented
- Works with mouse and touch events
- Testing of some game states with Jest and actions/reducers with mocha
- Page can be reloaded without losing the current game
- Use local storage for game state
- Game state can be fed into machine algorithm as a start state
- Randomly select one player to start for multiplayer games.
- Responsive visual grid, up to a maximum size defined in CSS.
- Webpack to bundle assets (or Browserify, but it seems webpack is well in fashion too)
- Deploy somewhere:
- Heroku
- Openshift
- Static pages
- S3
- Github pages
- Personal site demos page?
- Not worrying about deployment size for now, all files could be sent
- Keep current game stored somewhere accessible to both players or keep in sync through turn process.
- Match players in a waiting queue
- Cross players communication and state sharing
- Through server API -> would need a server for it
- Web sockets -> Firebase is still active (bought by google), so could investigate that