- Add normal and pythonic way programs in the respective directories.
- Check whether similar programs already exist (Refer to the README.md File).
- The name of the file should indicate the program you are going to implement (Keep it brief and short).
- A file should contain only a single program.
- All programs should be written in Python3.
- Use camel casing(testFileName) for file names.
- Use snake casing(test_variable_name) for variable names.
- Before making a Pull Request add details on the README.md file about your program and link your program in the table given.
- Follow the given Schema to enter your program details:
Serial No. Program Normal Way Pythonic Way Serial No Brief Program Name nameOfFile.py nameOfFile.py
How do I create a Pull Request?
- Fork the repository.
- Create a branch with an appropriate name.
- Make your changes.
- Make a request to merge changes.