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Lilly Tempest edited this page Aug 5, 2022 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the companies wiki!

What is companies

Companies is a order based trading plugin.

What sounds simple is a highly optimized system for best usability and user experience. Companies requires nearly no commands for users. All functionalities are available via rich Text UIs.

The core of the plugin are the companies which accept and fulfill orders and the players which offer orders to the companies. The whole system is anonymized to stop players from avoiding orders by specific players.

Every user can create orders. The player offers an amount of money in exchange for materials. When adding a new offer, players will see average price guidelines for the item they want to order. This helps them finding a reasonable price.
The offer is then published to the companies. Players can form companies and accept orders from players. After the order is delivered by the company, the participating players receive their money based on their contribution.

Limits and settings are customizable. It also provides a API and integrates vault for easy communication with other plugins.


  • Create companies with your friends
  • Level up your company to increase the max size and the number of parallel orders.
  • Search matching orders and deliver the required items together with your company.
  • Create orders for the items you need
  • Use rich Text UIs to navigate through the plugin features
  • Vault integration
  • PlaceholderAPI integration
  • Developer API to hook into the plugin
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